Worship Musician Magazine February 2021 | Page 12

the love mercy songs , I wanted to include the act justly songs as well , and I wanted to include the walk humbly songs . And the songs that helped me carry a posture in my life where I could find God more and more in the everyday . I think including all of those categories felt really appropriate and beautiful .
[ WM ] I love the Biblical sentiment ( Micah 6:8 ) of Act Justly , Love Mercy , Walk Humbly . Those words and that message is the direct antithesis of what is happening currently in our divided culture wars expressed on cable tv , radio , social media postings , and even over dinner tables . Please tell us about this dynamic and that song in particular . We all need to practice those virtues .
[ Pat ] I often think of the verse , “ You shall know the truth , the truth will set you free .” I think what was maybe an underpinning to that was that sometimes the truth is really painful to face . In its liberating quality requires a dying to yourself and a willingness to audit your own perceptions and motives and biases . This song and the message of it and those virtues feel holistic . They don ’ t allow you to show one version of you and not present the other . I think that if Jesus ever gave a warning to one specific vocation , it was people who were paid to practice public religion ( laughs ). I find myself doing the one thing He was like , “ Whatever you do be careful of this one !” Because you are daily tempted to present a version of you that is not you , and therefore you don ’ t let the truth liberate you from some of the old patterns and mindsets that Jesus came to touch . I think that ’ s why people were so upset at Him . Some people don ’ t want to be free when it touches their privilege , or when it touches their paychecks , or when it touches their prejudices . I have found in my wrestling with the scriptures that there is rarely a time I open it where it makes me feel pleasantries . I am confronted , encouraged , and challenged and warned . I think in the journey of that a song is too simple to capture all of the nuance , but that song in particular … the ability to love God and to love people in a way that is self-sacrificial and self-denying is a narrow road that Jesus invites us to .
[ WM ] And your recent single release , “ Heavenly ”, is also on this project . I appreciate
Pat Barrett – Act Justly , Love Mercy , Walk Humbly ( Official Lyric Video ) the highly creative video . Please tell us about the song , and the inspiration behind it .
[ Pat ] ( laughs ) Number one , do you know why I love this interview ? It ’ s because this is my first interview regarding the new record , so there are no canned answers ! ( laughs )
With “ Heavenly ”, I remember hearing that melodic hook ( sings melody ) and going , “ Oh my gosh , why do I want to dance and cry at the same time ?” I think for me it was such a release
12 February 2021 Subscribe for Free ...