Worship Musician Magazine December 2023 | Page 92

photo by Josh Sorenson via Unsplash
In modern worship , like other musical genres , we have to constantly adapt to the trends that are unfolding . The biggest mistake we could make , as musician / drummers , is to refuse to expand our skill set . Let ’ s look at a few ideas that are prevalent in the worship drum world . Actually , these ideas aren ’ t that new anymore . We ’ ve been hearing these drum concepts quite a bit . OK , here we go !
Because of the simplicity of the normal worship song styles we ’ ve been challenged to come up with different tones or colors to make drum parts more interesting . There are now several YouTube videos that even mock the few patterns a drummer needs to know to play worship drums . I even have a video on the essential grooves for worship called “ Drum Grooves For Worship .” My intent was not to over-simplify , but to give drummers a foundation to build on . The art and essence of every song is in the details . Mockery doesn ’ t help anyone … but I won ’ t turn this into a sermon on that . Just remember , even when playing simply , play with passion . Make every note count !
Riding the floor tom . – Yes , everyone does this . So many songs in modern worship have the ride pattern , not on a hi-hat or cymbal , but on the floor tom . My best recommendation for this is to be sure to tune it down as low as it will go before it sounds “ flappy .” Use a double-ply head on top , a medium weight on the bottom , and tune way down . Muffle according to the resonance you want to control , and you ’ ve got it . Depending on the drum ( a standard is 16 ” X 16 ”) the fundamental pitch should be a low B or even down to an A or G if it will go that low . Just find where the drum still “ speaks ” well at a low pitch and be sure it ’ s not out of tune ( resonating between pitches – half flat or half sharp ). Riding on 8 th or 16 th note patterns , while throwing in accents as the song needs , is what we hear most of the time . There are tons of examples on YouTube . * e . g . – “ What A Beautiful Name ” by Hillsong . Listen and learn !
Riding the snare or playing cadences . – This is also a cool way to build energy into a song . Using a snare cadence isn ’ t really that new of an idea , but in modern worship it has become the signature feel for many tunes . I hope you have a solid grasp of rudimental drumming . Steady single stroke rolls are a must . Also using the “ numbered rolls ” is important . i . e . – 5 , 7 , 9 stroke rolls , etc . – Here ’ s a look at a 5-stroke roll approach on Paul Baloche ’ s “ We Are Saved .”
Riding the rims – You can also play any of the rims of the drums as you choose for a ride option . Again , this can be seen on many worship videos . It ’ s cool to use the snare or tom rims according to the pitch of the rim … or even a combination of both . It ’ s an idea I used in conjunction with a sampled loop on Paul Baloche ’ s “ Our God Saves .” I used the snare rim to play that pattern . - Sorry there wasn ’ t a close drum camera on Paul ’ s live version .
You can also use tambourines , blocks , trash can lids , cardboard boxes , stacked cymbals , ribbon crashers … etc . Anything can become an option for new sounds when looking for something fresh to create that subdivided ride pattern . Going beyond actual instruments or “ noninstrument ” items to hit , don ’ t forget the digital sampling option . A multi-pad is now a common tool for many drummers . I ’ ve mentioned them before when writing about hybrid drum kits . I encourage everyone at clinics , seminars , and in private lessons to make it a priority to invest in the digital technology that is available today . A multi-pad with a great library of samples and your laptop with extra music software is an endless resource for sounds to utilize in your modern drumming .
Be bold and fearless in your growth as a
drummer / musician . Embrace the challenge and enjoy the discovery of new sounds . You ’ ll be amazed at how it will inspire your playing and inspire your team as you expand your musical production chops . But , as always … Keep it grooving ! Blessings , Carl
Carl Albrecht Professional drummer for 30 + years , playing with Paul Baloche , Don Moen , Ron Kenoly , Abe Laboriel , LeAnn Rimes and others . He ’ s also a clinician , author & pastor . Contact Carl for coaching , online lessons , producing , or sessions . I ’ m still growing too ... www . CarlAlbrecht . com LMAlbrecht @ aol . com 92 December 2023 Subscribe for Free ...