Worship Musician Magazine December 2023 | Page 64

If you play an A Major chord like most people , you ’ re missing out . I ’ ll show you why , and what to do about it .
I encourage you to catch the video version of this article while it ’ s available so you can watch me demonstrate these concepts . You can find the video right here : www . GuitarSuccess4U . com / Fingerings
key of D , the A chord is the Dominant , the Major V chord .
It ’ s a pretty widely-used chord . And yet , a lot of guitar players are really making more work for themselves with the fingering they use .
Now , when we fret a note , it ’ s best to press down as close to the fret as we can , for a clean articulation .
Chords exist in context . Am I right ? We typically won ’ t play a song that consists of a single chord , because that would be … boring .
So , if we want to play chords well in context , this begs the question – do guitar chord fingerings really matter ? Let ’ s find out .
I ’ m going to list three Major keys that are pretty common with guitar players : the keys of A , E and D Major . Which chord do all of these keys have in common ? The A Major chord .
In the key of A , the A chord is the Tonic , the I chord . In the key of E , the A chord is the Subdominant , the Major IV chord . And in the
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