It ’ s the end of the year and you very well may feel weary . I ’ m sure the last months have been full of plenty of well-doing . You could feel frazzled . You may feel overworked or like you have nothing else to give . I think it ’ s human nature to arrive at this place at some point . I have been blessed to have a Dad in ministry that I ’ ve watched over the last forty plus years be faithful . He has learned to stir himself up in the Lord and I ’ ve watched in the hard seasons as well as the flourishing ones . It ’ s a daily decision . Being a pastor ’ s kid , I feel like I ’ ve had a front row seat to see that eightyear-olds grow up to be fifty-year-olds . In all of our busyness , calendar planning and showing up we see a group of elementary kids or a preschool class but I ’ m here today to remind you : they grow up ! The work you are doing matters . The conversations you have and the hugs you give because you showed up matter . The songs you lead and the prayers you pray for how to lead them impact them in ways greater than you can see .
I ’ ve been making kids music long enough now that those first kids I impacted with my songs have families of their own . I wanted to share a few stories with you today to focus your perspective to see that you are making a difference . If we lead them well now we are planting seeds that will take root and be there to guide them as they navigate life . Both in sickness and health and in hard times and good .
A couple summers ago , I was leading worship at a preteen camp . One afternoon I had taken
my sons to the pool and a young man told me , “ You led worship at my camp when I was a preteen . I just graduated college and got my first job as a student minister . I ’ m here hanging with my future students .” Standing before me was a real-life example of what any of us would love to see . A boy who fell in love with Jesus and is giving his life to serve in full-time ministry to start the cycle over and help students know Jesus .
I received a DM on Instagram from a girl named Brooklyn . I remember her vividly . She wrote that she was in college now . That particular day she was sitting in the Mayo clinic getting tests done for an illness she had . It was going to be a long road but as she sat there , lyrics to songs of mine filled her thoughts . She thanked me for what the songs meant when she was a child but also the faith they were giving her that day . A real-life reminder that those songs come back to our remembrance days , years and even decades later to help us when we need it most .
Ashley sent me an email that was really moving about how she attended a preteen event I led worship at that changed everything for her . She grew up in a family that didn ’ t know the joy of Jesus . The songs impacted her in big ways and when she continues to listen to those songs from back then wonderful memories fill her mind . A couple years later I met her husband and we put two and two together that his wife was who emailed me . We live in the same area and committed to meeting . So , the same week she would give birth to
their first child we had brunch and talked and shared stories and celebrated how one life impacts another .
I could tell you about Jacob and the call we got from his Mom for me to sing at his funeral . Only three months before he had been at a summer camp where I led worship . In a car wreck he and his Dad were killed . This Mom was amazing . So , so strong for the children she still had at home and for the community she wanted to impact with the gospel through this . I doubt any of his leaders at camp imagined he didn ’ t have his whole life ahead of him . My eyes were awakened to understand that every group of kids matters . Any chance I have to step on stage and lead people in praise to the King has eternal significance . It ’ s not just another song or set .
So , whether it ’ s a season of lack or abundance . Whether you feel full or in need . Anytime you give your “ yes ” to the Lord this is true . The ripple effect of your obedience goes farther than you could ever imagine . Keep impacting people for the Kingdom . You are making a difference . Don ’ t lost sight of that as one year ends and another begins .
© 2023 Yancy Ministries , Inc .
Yancy Yancy is a worship leader and songwriter for kids that travels the globe doing family concerts and training worship leaders . Every week her songs are used in thousands of churches around the world . Her Dove Award winning music is all the things kids love and everything adults value . She just released a kids version of “ Fear Is Not My Future ” and believes it ’ s a message for this generation for such a time as this . Yancy created her first children ’ s musical for Lillenas Kids : “ Best Christmas Song Ever ”. She authored the book “ Sweet Sound : The Power of Discipling Kids in Worship ”. She lives with her husband and sons in Nashville , TN .
YancyMinistries . com
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