Worship Musician Magazine December 2023 | Page 38

Contemporary worship music uses many of the same stylistic strategies found in pop and rock genres , not the least of which is belting . However , from a technical standpoint , belting is often misunderstood . This article will briefly explain how belting works , and how different singers need different approaches to learn this challenging vocal task .
HOW DOES BELTING ACTUALLY WORK ? Because the goal of belting is to produce a big sound with plenty of perceived thickness and intensity , it is usually achieved with more air pressure and more resistance at the vocal fold level , with resonance strategies that help amplify the sound . In simple terms , when singers belt , the tendency is to push more air , brace against the air pressure with the vocal folds , and widen the vowels to increase the resonant space in the mouth . The intended result is a louder , brassier , bigger sound .
It sounds simple , right ? Unfortunately , it ’ s a bit more complex in practice .
SINGING IS LIKE A TRIPOD The voice works like a balancing act between air , muscle , and acoustics . In order to sing in a sustainable way , there has to be some form of equilibrium between the three . To belt sustainably , a singer has to make adjustments to these three elements in a way that creates the desired increase in intensity but that is also proportional to each other – increasing the air pressure just enough , but not more than what the vocal folds can resist ; engaging the muscles around the vocal folds just enough but not to the point that it turns into straining and interferes with the flow of the voice ; and shaping the mouth in such a way that allows for greater resonance without over-widening the vowels or resulting in excessive nasality .
When those three elements are not in balance , singers experience any of the following :
• Vocal fatigue
• Pitch inaccuracy ( usually going flat )
• Limited range
• Voice breaks
• Inability to control volume
• Inability to control tone / vocal timbre
• Inability to articulate intentionally
• Vibrato disappears or turns into a wobble or a bleat
• Raspiness / hoarseness
• Discomfort / pain
• Voice loss
• … and more !
When a singer tries to sing under these conditions , the voice isn ’ t running as efficiently and is therefore wearing out faster . So when a singer tries to belt while also compensating for an imbalance in their overall vocal function , their voice expends that much more energy and is even more prone to fatigue and injury .
SO HOW CAN I LEARN TO BELT PROPERLY ? The answer depends on what your voice tends to do now . If you tend to sing with a pretty breathy voice to begin with , even in the low notes , your first step is to establish a stronger foundation in the bottom part of your range so that your low notes are clear , strong , and comfortable . If you tend to sing with a noticeable break in the middle of your voice , you would most likely benefit from developing the necessary coordination to navigate that transition in a smooth and connected manner without having to squeeze or push . If you tend to shout your way to the top , you might already be getting away with belting to a certain degree , but you will improve your overall vocal function and protect your vocal health by learning how to release into the top notes and rely on acoustics more than brute force to create the perception of power .
MOST IMPORTANTLY : IT ’ S NOT SOMETHING YOU EITHER “ HAVE ” OR “ DON ’ T HAVE ” Belting is something that most singers can learn . Some voices are naturally built to sound big and booming , but most voices have the potential to grow in power . If you have never tried belting before or have been told that you don ’ t have the voice for it , try saying “ HEY ” like you ’ re calling out to someone across a parking lot . If you can muster up the volume to do that , you have it in you to learn how to belt . It ’ s just a matter of using the right tools for your unique voice so that you can learn to do it in a way that is efficient and sustainable .
Got a question for Renée ? Send an email to hello @ reneemaranan . com and write “ Ask the Voice Coach ” in the subject line .
Renée Maranan Vocal Instructor | Life Coach Ambassador for the Institute for Vocal Advancement www . ReneeMaranan . com Instagram @ reneemaranan
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