more tangible - at certain times and in certain places . It ’ s important that members of the first team encounter God ’ s manifest presence , not only when they gather together , but also in their times of personal meditation , prayer and reflection .
Often when first teamers talk about God ’ s presence , they mean God ’ s manifest presence and they easily assume that listeners know that . It can sound to second teamers like first teamers are saying that they can make God “ show up ” and that He is not really present for the second team . But , in their hearts , I don ’ t believe they mean that at all .
Members of the second team may not be very familiar with the word “ manifest ” being used in relation to God ’ s presence . Like the first team , they know that God is omnipresent but will have also been taught that God ’ s presence , by the Holy Spirit , fills all those for whom Jesus is Lord . While they may know the information , sadly some second teamers go about their day-to-day lives without a vital , powerful , real sense of God ’ s presence filling them by His Spirit . ( That ’ s probably true for some first teamers , too ).
The more thoughtful and better-studied members of the second team might point to particular Biblical stories as examples of God manifesting His presence to humans : God is the fourth figure with Shadrach , Meshach , Abed-Nego in the fiery furnace ( Daniel 3 ). Moses encounters God ’ s manifest presence in the ( un ) burning bush ( Exodus 3 ) and on Mount Sinai ( Exodus 19 ). In the Old Testament times , God ’ s presence resided in the Tabernacle and The Temple in Jerusalem . And , of course , the New Testament describes the manifestation of God ’ s presence through Jesus and the Holy Spirit .
So , where do you sit on all this ? Can you relate at all to what I ’ m describing ? Do you see yourself as more part of one team than the other ?
Me ? I love both teams and want us all to love one another . Recognize that most of the differences are nothing more than stylistic preference or a result of our own theological emphasis . Surely , we can just agree to disagree on the peripheral stuff .
None of us have actually seen God with our own eyes but , if we love one another , God is present whether music is involved or not . As John says :
No one has ever seen God ; but if we love one another , God lives in us and his love is made complete in us . 1 John 4:12 ( NIV )
I hope we ’ d all agree that the ultimate manifestation of God ’ s presence to humanity is through Jesus the Christ . God incarnate made manifest . Walked among us ! And even though Jesus in bodily form has left this earth ( for now ) we have been given God ’ s Holy Spirit . We can read about the arrival and manifestation of God ’ s Spirit in the 2nd Chapter of Acts . An incredible , overwhelming , history-shaping event for sure !
And from then till now , the one , united , true Church carries within us God ’ s manifest , supernatural presence . We must carry within us God ’ s presence . If we do not , we are not The Church . We are not His Body . Apart from His presence we can do nothing at all of any significance in the Kingdom of God .
As Jesus Himself is recorded saying :
“ I am the vine ; you are the branches . If you remain in me and I in you , you will bear much fruit ; apart from me you can do nothing .” John 15:5 ( NIV )
Some of us may revel in experiences of God ’ s manifest presence . Others of us may not have those same experiences , but still have an intellectual knowledge that God is present with us in every moment of every day . But if we primarily see Gods ’ presence as either a “ thing ” to experience for ourselves or one of the intellectual , theological “ bullet points ” that I believe in , then we are all short-changing - missing the big idea of God ’ s presence :
It ’ s a Latin phrase that dates back to the Reformation in the 16th Century . It was introduced and used often by Martin Luther . It ’ s the BIG IDEA of the Christian Faith . The very essence of what it means to be a follower of Jesus . To live CORAM DEO means to live one ’ s whole life in the presence of God .
Watch this old-but-short video for more on CORAM DEO :
God ’ s presence has not been given primarily so that we can experience Him , nor know about Him . God ’ s presence is given to us so that God Himself can flow through us to a world that does not yet experience , nor know Him . God ’ s presence in us is essential so that God ’ s Kingdom will come on earth as it is in Heaven . So that all of creation can be united with God the Almighty . To live in the presence of our Creator .
Let ’ s live CORAM DEO . As we live in His presence , God Himself flows through us to reclaim the rest of humanity - the rest of creation . That ’ s worth singing about ; this , and every Christmas .
Emmanuel !
Grant Norsworthy founder of MoreThanMusicMentor . com
MoreThanMusicMentor . com
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