Worship Musician Magazine December 2023 | Page 30

Building a thriving worship team requires more than just musical skill ; it demands engagement . At WorshipTeamCoach . com , we believe that being a healthy team member is synonymous with being ENGAGED . But what does that mean in terms of fostering an exceptional worship ministry ?
Let ’ s start with what it doesn ’ t look like : whether it ’ s a lack of commitment , unpreparedness , or an unreceptive attitude , these traits can hinder the overall productivity and harmony of the team . Even a few members displaying such behaviors can contribute to an unhealthy dynamic . You ’ re only as strong as your weakest link , right ? That ’ s true in many areas , and it holds true here as well . One person who isn ’ t totally on board brings the whole team down . So what does it look like if your team is totally engaged ?
THE RULES OF ENGAGEMENT Engagement is a rich and multifaceted concept . God ’ s Word tells us that we are not to be lukewarm , be either hot or cold ! If you want a healthy , functional worship team , you need
each member to totally buy in -- no lukewarm volunteers here . That means in every sense , you need to be plugged in and engaged . What does that look like ?
1 . Engage with God : At the core of worship leadership is engaging with God ; it ’ s essential for a deep connection . Trusting in James 4:8 , team members deepen their relationship with God , ensuring undivided hearts focused on worship . Attracting and holding fast to God ’ s presence is a reminder that God is the one who engages us . A growing relationship with God is the cornerstone of a healthy team , and without that , everything else just loses significance .
2 . Engage with Leadership : It ’ s not just a control thing- it is absolutely mission-critical that team members commit to following the guidance of their leadership . Of course , good leadership comes with its own guidelines , like Romans 13 and Hebrews 13 , and this doesn ’ t mean there won ’ t be any conflict at all . We ’ re each part of the body and have something to contribute !
Entering into conflict with leadership , ( iron sharpens iron ) is important at the right time , ( the middle of rehearsal is not that time ). Teams should embrace conflict as a means of growth , fostering open communication and addressing issues constructively . But at the end of the day , you need to be able to trust your leadership enough to follow them even if you don ’ t necessarily agree .
3 . Engage with Other Team Members : Team members need to navigate healthy conflict not only with leadership , but also among themselves . Chemistry can ’ t be forced , but cultivating a healthy atmosphere where everyone is safe to share and grow directly leads to a more collaborative and productive team . Just like Paul ’ s example of one body / many members , a worship team should be working together like gears in a machine . Despite their differences , when working together , they produce something greater than the sum of their parts .
4 . Engage with the Congregation : Team members should be actively engaging
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