to and being inspired by the other rhythmic instruments already present in your band . Many times , you can play a simplified rhythmic pattern designed to lock-in with the acoustic guitarist . Another safe bet is to listen for the hi-hat or ride cymbal and play something rhythmic on every other hit , or even directly matching one to one , if the song can handle that level of intensity .
Finding existing frames of reference in your band is a great place to start , not just because it gives you an audible point of inspiration , but it also makes you much less likely to introduce a dueling rhythmic idea that will clash with the other players in your band .
KEEP IT VOCAL they realize the opportunity . In more sparse bands or acoustic worship contexts you can play bassist , drummer , and even fill a void in the absence of an acoustic guitar with smart , intentional rhythmic piano playing , especially if you ’ re intentionally attempting to notice and fill those spaces .
To do this well you first have to have an internal dialogue between the ‘ normal ’ keys player in you and your ideas and concepts of how best to enhance or fill ‘ other ’ rhythmic space as well . Once you ’ ve reconciled your own dueling sensibilities you have a responsibility to express your willingness , desire , or preference to fill that rhythmic space to the other members of your band or to your team ’ s leadership . subtly weaving rhythmic piano and keys parts into their signature ‘ wall of sound ’ style , so listen for that the next time you ’ re spinning one of their records .
If playing rhythmically is intimidating to you my best advice is to wade in one beat at a time . Challenge yourself to add one additional note or emphasis between each chord change , then two , and before you know it , you ’ ll be building up muscle-memory and confidence in this incredibly useful skill .
Just know that if you find yourself eye-balling a tweed suit , you ’ ve probably gone too far .
Anytime you step into more rhythmic playing you should consider what it ’ s doing for the overall mix . Perhaps your intent is to free up space for your electric guitarist to move up the neck while you handle the rhythm . If that ’ s the case , be sure to express that invitation so
If you ’ re short on inspiration there are endless examples of rhythmic , piano or keys driven pop music on the Top 40 now and I ’ m always going to recommend revisiting Coldplay ’ s greatest hits as a rhythmic piano-driven touchstone . Lastly , Bethel Music does an excellent job of
David Pfaltzgraff Founder and Lead Sound Designer at SundaySounds . com , a site that resources worship keys players and guitarists around the world . David currently resides in Des Moines , IA with his wife and two boys . He enjoys volunteering in his church ’ s worship ministry , old synthesizers , and a good super-hero movie .
SundaySounds . com