God , and as a result an awakened spirituality will make us sensitive to His presence , empowering everything that flows through our hands .
Let ’ s not forget that what we see and experience during a weekend is the result of what we live with God every day , immersed in His presence and His word .
Thinking of this I remembered , among many things , how I have been able to see pianists and musicians in different places who know the chords perfectly for each song to be played , but they don ’ t know a single word of what each song says .
This is simply an invitation to worship with understanding and to know our job is to make sure every sound , chord , or note , can go side by side with the flow of ministering and supporting what the song we play talks about .
This can be done by taking some time by ourselves or along with the team to worship , understanding the lyrics of the song and allowing it to reach deep within .
For this topic , it is important to study our instrument , take classes , or have a tutor , to learn permanently , getting constant updates with sounds , music software , organized routines , etc .
But I want to focus on this word : Sensitivity .
Sensitivity to the dynamics and to our technique . Always be aware of your level of expression with the piano ( dexterity and pedal use ). Go according to the moment when you play for the pastor , or when you are in worship time .
Always think of your instrument as if you were the one talking , since music is a language , and such language implies a dialogue , where our duty is also to listen ( it is not a monologue ). You can be screaming all the time or speak so soft and slow no one can understand you .
For this reason , our technique should allow us to come alongside these moments and express them as you play . Keep in mind those key moments where you play a bridge , or there is a change of chords , since depending on the moment , we can be too rough , or perhaps too soft .
Sensitivity in our execution . Nowadays it is so easy to access different material and information to learn chords , phrases , harmony , etc . Keep in mind that there might be moments where we it ’ s not appropriate to apply everything we have learned .