Worship Musician Magazine December 2021 | Page 14

these songs within Sunday services , or were you asked to go into rehearsals for the project to develop the songs ?
[ Alexandra ] Our songs are a big part of our services . We write first and foremost to be a blessing to our congregation . This project is the culmination of the songs that have resonated with Lakewood in the last season . We always do our best to hear what God is saying to us and saying to our church . Whatever May Come was written during the pandemic and reminds us that no matter what obstacles we face , God is in control . I love the lyric from that song , “ Whatever may come , I know You ’ re here with me ”.
[ WM ] I really appreciated how you utilized that familiar Lakewood Church stage by turning things in a circle , facing each other . Very
creative ! Was that always the vision ?
[ Alexandra ] Thank you ! Like I mentioned before , this album was recorded during the time in the pandemic when in-person services were not being held . As much as we would have loved to record with a live audience , this scenario gave us the opportunity to really get creative for this album ’ s recording . Our team came up with this concept of reversing the stage and having the band and worship leaders face each other and it turned out great . It brought a different vibe than we typically experience and created a warm atmosphere for the recording . We ’ ve been blessed with such an amazing building , but it was very cool to get to take our 16,000-seat auditorium and make it feel like such an intimate setting . It was a very special experience for us all .
[ WM ] And I must ask you about your incredible efforts to include the Spanish-speaking community . Please tell us about Hispanic recordings and outreach ?
[ Ramiro ] This is something that is very special to us , that we hold very close to our hearts . We have already translated a few songs that we are excited to release soon and are currently working on some new songs as well that we pray will be a blessing to the Spanish Church .
[ WM ] Thank you so much for your very kind visit with us .
[ Alexandra and Ramiro ] Thank you . It ’ s been our pleasure !
14 December 2021 Subscribe for Free ...