Worship Musician Magazine December 2020 | Page 83

nothing has been more life changing than remembering moments when I worshiped with my parents and siblings ! And let me remind any parents out there that your kids need to see your relationship with Jesus . And worshiping with them is one of the greatest ways to show it ! The other point is , God is a Father and we are all His children . So , it makes a lot more sense that we would love and honor Him together and not separately !
[ WM ] What is the biggest thing that you have learned by leading worship with all ages , races , genders , and cultures ?
[ Tommy ] The most important thing is that we are all teachable ! The young need to learn from the old , and I think in this day when it comes to being on a worship team together , the old can learn from the young . Because worship music has an aspect of it that is art and because art is always influenced by culture , there is no way , I as an older worship leader can be as up on the new sounds as much as the younger are ! We also have to be willing to not have everything done the way we like it . It ’ s like when your family decides to go somewhere or do something that isn ’ t your favorite . We don ’ t bail on our family at that point but hopefully , on both sides , live with some give and take . There is obviously a lot more to say about this important issue but let ’ s keep contending and forgiving !
[ WM ] Tommy , you ’ ve recorded for multiple labels but seem to have made a conscious decision to go “ independent .” Tommy Walker Ministries now releases your recorded music , videos , and resources . It seems as though that by going this route as a non-profit , you are unrestrained in your ministry endeavors . Can you tell us about this ?
[ Tommy ] Well , to be honest , a lot of things were colliding all at once . While my music was selling less and less , I was noticing artists putting up YouTube channels along with other social media and reaching lots of people in the process . Meanwhile I had always thought about how great it would be if I could just give everything away . So , with much prayer and council , I went for it and the good news is , it ’ s working ! The reason I say this is , it ’ s not just good news for me , it ’ s good news for other Christian artists , songwriters , and worship leaders out there that have a genuine heart for God and are looking for a way to be funded . You basically start a nonprofit and faithfully grow a group of people that will partner with you and support you ! I obviously had a bit of a head start with some things I ’ ve done in the past , but it has mostly just been done independently with a very small team and myself . Since 2015 we have now given away over 100,000 resources including songs , charts , tracks , videos , and the like , to over 80 nations . It is such a joy to do it ! It is definitely something to consider . To God be the glory !
[ WM ] You are so prolific in your efforts to teach
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