Worship Musician Magazine December 2020 | Page 80


by Alexander MacDougall
For over 30 years , Tommy Walker has faithfully led the worshipers of Christian Assembly in Los Angeles , a remarkable church . A consummate musician , his songwriting , teaching , and heart for the things of God have provided a steady stream of blessing to our souls . Like all of us , 2020 ’ s pandemic has meant online ministry and flexible outdoor services for Tommy . Even without the Franklin Graham outreaches , Greg Laurie Harvest Crusades , or other conference work this year , his output and impact has not slowed down . His Generation Hymns projects are bringing worship teams into new understandings of the role of diversity in the church . Generation Carols , a magnificent Christmas offering , is now available online for free !
[ WM ] What a wonderful chance this is to catch up with you my friend !
[ Tommy Walker ] Thanks for tracking me down and giving me a chance to share some thoughts .
[ WM ] I ’ d like to go back to your beginning influences in the Faith . Your father , a pastor , in El Paso , Texas , had invited Jesus Music groups like Love Song , Blessed Hope , and The Way , to minister at his church , and little Tommy was there . Can you recall that time for us ?
[ Tommy ] I think because the Interstate10 freeway goes through El Paso , it was a natural stop for some of the Maranatha bands in the ‘ 70s . It was the Jesus Movement and the hippies were getting saved . Though I was the youngest one , I was there and when the group Love Song came and hung out at my
80 December 2020 Subscribe for Free ...