Spanish is Portuguese and I have led worship in Portugal . I loved the people of Portugal . They have such a hunger for God and they expect God to move .
I am able to sing in Portuguese and Spanish because of my Russian background . Latin languages are a mix between harsh and soft . Russian is harsh sounds and English is soft . Because I am honored to speak both fluently Latin languages come with ease but not without work . In America , I continue to speak Russian to my Russian wife and kids in the home . Outside we speak in English ! When I ’ m with Russians I think in Russian , when I ’ m with Americans it switches to English . I carry both Russia and America deep in my heart and I look forward to minister more in Latin America . I have been blessed as an American to go to South Korea and sing in Russian to Koreans that grew up in former U . S . S . R . I have also translated for worship leader Misty Edwards in Armenia , where I sang in Russian and translated English … while being translated in Armenian !
their heads in the water and drank like dogs were told to go home . Only 300 out of the 22,000 gathered the water in their hands and drank . 300 that were vigilant to the situation and the neighbor next to them . Only 300 were chosen . God is watching how you drink from the water . God is watching how you spend time in his Presence . How you listen to his Word . Are you just going to follow hook , line , and sinker … receiving every word or are you asking the Holy Spirit to make you vigilant and teach you every step of the way ? No matter the size of what
your doing you can impact in your church , city and nation if you follow what God has for you .
Be vigilant , keep a clean heart , listen to the Holy Spirit and you will go far ! God will fight your battles and you will see the salvation of the Lord . Revelations will flood your heart and they will in turn … bless and cause others around you to be on fire for God !
[ WM ] Our magazine is read not only in the U . S . but in the United Kingdom , Canada , Australia , New Zealand and many other countries . As a word of encouragement , what would you like to say to worship leaders and worship team mates everywhere ?
[ Phillip ] I would say to worship leaders to not follow what culture is doing and / or follow what everyone is saying . This will be very bold in the time we are in , but churches are being told don ’ t gather , don ’ t sing because you will spread the virus . Crazy , the times that we are living in , but regardless of what happens , whatever mandates … never allow anyone to take away your voice . Always worship , it ’ s what we were created for .
“ Empty Me ” Worship Without Limits Tulsa , OK - promo
Secondly , always be led of the Spirit . Be vigilant to what God is telling you and in what direction God is leading you in . In Judges chapter 6 , God chose 300 vigilant warriors . He chose the 300 that passed the test in drinking from the water . 22,000 were told to drink . The ones that put
St . Petersburg , Russia ( Shofar )
Worship and ministering in Russian …