our worship and honestly , I was so happy they were there … because they were hearing the gospel not in a church , but the church was coming to them .
[ WM ] When we spoke with you , you were just ending a 40 day fast . That is remarkable . You and your team fast and pray to see the supernatural manifested . How has this affected your times of worship ? should be to give to Him not to get , when we do that … God will give us the desire of our hearts out of His love for us .
[ WM ] Tell us more about your book and the thoughts behind it ?
[ Phillip ] As I shared earlier my book Worship Without Limits was birthed on the mission field of the former U . S . S . R . in teaching generations that were under communism to a younger generation . They had Bible knowledge , but no understanding on having a supernatural move of God in worship , to practical lessons in leading worship . This is also a book every pastor should have on how to understand topics related to the worship team .
[ Phillip ] Honestly everything from the ministry going viral in Russia to Worship Without Limits in the streets of America is a result of fasting and praying . Although I do not fast to see revival . I fast to see his face and worship him . I don ’ t fast to see a demonstration , I fast for giving God adoration . I don ’ t fast to get something ; I fast to give the King of Kings something . I believe many times ( unfortunately ) we have a commerce mentality with God . “ I will give , to get ” mentality . God gave unconditionally on the cross . I believe through fasting we do the same back . Fasting reveals quickly our heart and flesh motives . We shouldn ’ t have a commerce mentality , but a worship mentality . Our motive
The first part of this 200-page book is about having an encounter with the Holy Spirit , because you cannot lead worship from a place that you have not been . What is in you will ultimately come out of you . If you spend time in God ’ s presence , His presence will be manifested through your life . But if you put the world in you , the world will manifest through you . These principles will work for anyone from a pastor planting a church to launching a business ! But my focus is worship leaders and helping them grow and have impact .
Many see themselves as just a singer or a musician - you ’ re more than that ! You ’ re a