Capitol building in Little Rock , Arkansas
because possessed people are being set free .
This was very different from worship with coffee in your hand in a disconnected complacent atmosphere . I am not saying that all churches are this way in America , but that was my experience from the tour that I had just finished . God told me you must bring what you have seen in Russia . I encourage you to read about the revivals that swept this land in God ’ s Generals . This book caused me to burn for this nation . Shortly after I read it I received a word from God that cause me to leave a successful ministry in Russia and my wife to leave her successful business to see God do it again ! It has already started with the Worship Without Limits events we have launched across America !
[ WM ] Here in the U . S . you travel around to different cities to lead these special events , but you really are coming from a different place . You set up outside by City Hall or in order strategic places in the city and lead worship to bring down spiritual strongholds - principalities in high places . Tell us your approach to your events ?
[ Phillip ] We battle not against flesh and blood , but against principalities and powers . Many of the issues that we are dealing with as a nation right now are spiritual and a lack a Biblical worldview . My heart is to reach this generation for Jesus in a bold way . In my book Worship Without Limits I wrote the following on being on the mission field of the former U . S . S . R . and it is even more timely and profound today . I found a parallel between the younger generation in the U . S . and the older communist generation in Russia . The spiritual crisis facing today ’ s young people is similar to that of the older Soviet generation .
This can only be dealt with in the Spirit . In the Bible Samuel in the old testament was known to have a school of prophets . According to 1 Sam . 19 ” 18-24 they were not only prophets , they were musicians , who would go to specific locations and speak a blessing or destroy strongholds over the city either through proclamation or music and singing . When I saw this , I realized that if you are a worship leader you have authority not only to shift the spiritual atmosphere in a service , but also to shift the spiritual atmosphere at a specific geographical location . That is why the Lord has put it on my heart to do worship at strategic places such as City Hall ’ s and Capitol buildings . These are places of authority and Christians should occupy these places . It is no secret that many of these places were spray painted with anarchy symbols , American flags burned and Satanists were worshipping Satan at these places . In our heart that makes sense , but when you tell a Christian , “ Lets go worship and shift the atmosphere at City Hall or the State Capitol ” most will say why can ’ t I pray from home ? If Jesus could have touched the world just by staying in Jerusalem , he never would have left to travel , pray and preach at different locations . He had to shift the atmosphere at specific geographical locations . If Jesus had to do it , how much more should we do it ? The gospel should be heard and seen not only in buildings , but in public for all to see .
At these free strategic events ( we call them Worship Without Limits ) it is very much a multicultural event where we gather pastors and leaders across the city to pray , speak the Word and shift the atmosphere . This causes