Wow ! This quite unusual year is finally coming to a close . We have all gone through so much . I hope this Editor ’ s Corner finds you doing well and that hope is rising in you for the upcoming new year of 2021 . We all need to be reminded that when we place our trust in the Lord , it is a well-placed trust !
This December issue of [ WM ] is jam packed with good # BetterBySunday interviews and columns for you . We cover what is new this year in Christmas music . From the epic production of Tommee Profitt ’ s The Birth of a King project , to over a dozen other Christian artists own celebrations of one of the most significant events in human history .
We next honor the Smallbone family ’ s legacy in Christian Music for the past 25 years or more . From their early days of promoting Christian concerts in Australia , to their daring move to the U . S . and launching their daughter Rebecca St . James ’ successful career , to now her brother ’ s success as For King & Country ... the
Smallbone Family has contributed so much to the landscape of Christian music . They have done it with a humility and a grace that honors the Lord .
Next up inside this issue is a remarkable interview with Phillip Renner . If you are familiar with Rick Renner ’ s ministry and the impact they have had in the former Soviet Union and in the United States , then you may be aware of his son Phillip . Phillip has been a trail blazer in Russia leading worship and training worship teams all over the Soviet bloc countries and beyond . Now Phillip is on a mission here in the U . S . to tear down strongholds in American cities and bring revival to our city streets . He has a big vision and is moving forward in faith to accomplish it .
In our [ WGP ] Worship Guitar Player section don ’ t miss our time spent with veteran worship leader and guitarist extraordinaire Tommy Walker . Tommy is a remarkable musician with a pastor ’ s heart . And to compliment that , we
spend time with accomplished guitar luthier James Tyler . James has been building electric guitars for over 40 years now and has been impacting both Christian and mainstream music with his innovative designs .
Throughout this issue you will find content for you as a worship leader , worship band mate or tech team member . Enjoy the practical advice and encouragement from our gifted staff of writers . Please share this issue with every member of your team too !
We take this calling seriously to come along side and help your worship team . Thank you so much for your support of what we do !
In His Grip ,
Bruce & Judy Adolph
The Cast
Publisher + Editor : |
Bruce Adolph |
Vice President : |
Judy Adolph |
Editorial + Ad Director : Doug Doppler |
Associate Editor : |
Michael Hodge |
Spanish Copy Editor : |
Rina Solano-Castillo |
Transcription Editor : |
Shelley Cush |
Ad Sales Manager : |
Andrew Adolph |
Ad Acct Exec : |
Steve Sattler |
Higher Ed Acct Exec : |
Alex MacDougall |
Production Manager : |
Mike Adolph |
Layout + Design : |
Matt Kees |
Customer Experience : Brian Felix
© 2020 Worship Musician published by Adolph Agency , Inc .
The Details
Bruce @ AdolphAgency . com Doug @ AdolphAgency . com Michael @ MichaelHodge . com
RinaSolano @ icloud . com Drew @ AdolphAgency . com
Steve @ CreativeSalesResource . com
ProfessorMacBNA @ gmail . com Mike @ AdolphAgency . com Matt @ AdolphAgency . com Brian @ AdolphAgency . com
WorshipMusician . com AAI Office : 253-445-1973