Worship Musician Magazine August 2022 | Page 62

Let ’ s enhance our knowledge and skills a bit today with some fun fretboard memorization tactics . Today ’ s strategy will give us a much better grasp of just three specific rows of notes on our guitars , which will help us claim the fretboard faster .
Now , is it possible to memorize the entire fretboard ? Sure . Does it make sense to start with key marker points so we can get our bearings and speed up the process ? Definitely . Reading this article will help , as will studying my diagram , but I highly recommend checking out the video version I ’ ve carefully created .
While it ’ s available , you can access it at : www . guitarsuccess4u . com / 3rows .
Here ’ s my plan for my brief time with you today . I have six mnemonic devices I ’ ve
either curated or created to accelerate your ability to memorize three remarkable rows on your fretboard for the purpose OF : 1 ) chord placement , 2 ) scale placement , 3 ) capo placement , and 4 ) anything else you want to discover and play up the neck .
These six devices come in pairs , and we can find them ascending or descending across the frets at three locations where only natural notes exist . And where are these locations ? See my table with this article ( and on the video ).
These rows are at frets 0 , 5 and 10 . Until we cross the repeating threshold at the 12 th fret , nowhere else on the guitar neck can natural notes be found straight across the frets in standard tuning . Every other fret has at least one , and as many as six notes that can be classified as either a sharp or a flat .
Let ’ s start with the open strings from lowest to highest . The notes are : E , A , D , G , B , and E . You may already know these , and you may even know the memory device I ’ m about to offer . It ’ s : Eddie Ate Dynamite , Good Bye Eddie .
Nice , right ? Let ’ s try going the opposite direction at this same location . The notes are : E , B , G , D , A and E . The memory device I ’ ll suggest here is : Easter Bunnies Get Dizzy At Easter . 62 August 2022 Subscribe for Free ...