Have you ever struggled with your confidence ? Some would call it stage fright or even comparison syndrome where you question why they would choose you to do this ? Recently , I worked with some new worship leaders and noticed a couple things about how they led and what I would propose is why . Truthfully , their lack of experience is connected to their confidence .
You can have all the talent in the world like the best of the best American Idol contestants but there ’ s something that natural talent isn ’ t born with and that is experience . Even the best of the best singers need reps on stage in order to become comfortable , natural and confident as they perform . I know that worship leading is not performing but the mechanics of your instrument and vocal capabilities more align with “ performing ” than just a minister or prayer warrior . The beauty is as a worship leader you become a blend of all those things .
What I noticed is the leaders lack of confidence made them make mistakes and restricted their ability to lead the people they were there to lead . We all have to be a beginner at some point . I get that but I want to challenge you to serve and get out there as much as you can . Every single song , worship set , and commitment to serve will help you gain experience , develop your craft and become a more confident as a performer . I started serving in worship teams as a kid and that continued to grow throughout my teen years . I served wherever I could : student worship teams , kids worship teams . I led a group of homeschoolers who served doing services in a nursing home . Playing piano when one was needed . Filling in . Stepping out from just the offertory to leading worship for middle schoolers and learning how to talk to my audience . ( Yep , that ’ s a learning curve at first .) There were many , many opportunities over those years but every one developed me . I got stronger and became better . My abilities grew . My methods were challenged and coached . Every song , service and date on my calendar helped me become better at what I do .
As I worked with these leaders where I saw them choke once the audience was in the room , second guess entrances in the song and the timing of the arrangement . I realized that it wasn ’ t “ mistakes ” they made as much as it was just a lack of experience , therefore confidence to stand on stage and confidently do the thing they were scheduled to do . It restricted their ability to lead . I believe the very best antidote for those leaders is to do it more . And then do it some more and repeat that over and over again . Do it as much as you can possibly agree to the time commitment of . Be the person to step up and fill in whenever is needed . Does another ministry area need someone ? Go serve there too . You need the reps on stage because every single worship set is going to help them grow and become more confident in the calling that God has invited them into .
Maybe you ’ re reading this and you think , “ Yancy , experience isn ’ t my problem . But , I still struggle with being confident in my role .” Realize that someone believes in you . Your leadership whether it be a worship coordinator , ministry director or even Sr . Pastor entrusted this to you . They were confident you could do this and gave you the responsibility by putting your name on the schedule . It ’ s time to believe in yourself . Yes , you must invest the time needed to rehearse and prepare . Doing so helps you can know you did everything you know to do to be prepared and ready . Once you ’ ve done your part then you can step out there on stage confident that you studied and rehearsed . You did your part and now it ’ s time to make room for God to do what only He can do . Sure , sometimes mistakes happen to even seasoned professionals . You learn to let it go , learn from it when needed and move on .
I want you to know that I believe in you . You are not alone . You may feel like a beginner but that ’ s ok . Even champions were a beginner at some point . Embrace the YES that you ’ ve given . Seek the Lord and invite Him into the process . Rehearse and study your songs . Make notes where you need . Listen to the Spirit and the nudges you feel as you rehearse about the arrangement of the song or something special He wants you to share . You can do this ! I have found the steps of faith I have taken in life have resulted in some of the most special seasons and encounters of my life . What you ’ re doing is important . Be confident of that and what God wants to do through you . So many people will be blessed because of your YES !
© 2022 Yancy Ministries , Inc .
Yancy Yancy is a worship leader and songwriter for kids that travels the globe doing family concerts and training worship leaders . Every week her songs are used in thousands of churches around the world . Her Dove Award winning music is all the things kids love and everything adults value . Her newest “ Little Praise Party ” album is “ Out of This World ”. Yancy has a passion to serve the Church which is why she created “ Heartbeat ”, a curriculum to teach kids the heart of worship . She recently authored the book “ Sweet Sound : The Power of Discipling Kids in Worship ”. She lives with her husband and sons in Nashville , TN .
YancyMinistries . com