Worship Musician Magazine August 2022 | Page 21

Meredith Mauldin ( aka Meredith McCoy ) is no stranger to “ laying things down ” and moving on to further success or significance . As a co-founder of Dallas ’ UPPERROOM , she has impacted many in worship and songwriting . She ’ s made her mark as an actress as well , including her voicing of Android 18 in the Dragon Ball Z anime series . Meredith ’ s new release , The Turning , is part of the Dream Records / Capitol Christian Music Group family . She is a true modern psalmist in every sense .
[ WM ] Meredith , it ’ s such a delight to meet with you today . Thanks so much for this time !
[ Meredith Mauldin ] Thank you for having me . I ’ ve been looking forward to meeting with you .
[ WM ] In preparing for our time , I was amazed to learn of the background that you have . From modeling , to stage , film , and television acting , to singing in a big band and doing voiceover work for anime , you ’ ve also been a significant contributor to the worship world in prayer , mentoring , songwriting , and leading . I personally feel that those broad experiences in life , work , and ministry , really help the songwriter and worship leader immensely . What are your thoughts on this ?
[ Meredith ] Yeah , I 100 % agree , because sometimes I feel like when we ’ re only in one lane , we miss the hugeness of what the Lord ’ s doing in so many places . We can get so focused on our one little area . And I mean , I ’ ve been in those places , and then it ’ s like , the Lord will take me out of it for a minute . And I ’ m like , whoa , you ’ re so much bigger than just what I ’ m staring at over here and the work that I ’ m doing .
Honestly , I was in the worship world for like seven years straight where I wasn ’ t really doing anything else . And it ’ s like the Lord pulled us out and started having us do other things in the entertainment industry . And I thought , honestly , like with the anime world , I have a movie coming out this next week for one of the old animes that
I voiced a character for . And it ’ s funny , I thought I was going to be a disappointment to them , because I was like , well , I don ’ t , I ’ m not doing a lot of it . And I realized it ’ s a huge opportunity to get to be a light in that area and just share a different message within what they love .
[ WM ] That ’ s right , and also shows them that Christians can be normal people , you know ?
[ Meredith ] Yes .
[ WM ] And what ’ s interesting is that so often we are asked by the Lord to “ lay something down ” before moving on to the next . God ’ s been good to me by saying “ yes ” to so many things that I have desired , so I have to assume that when He has said “ no ”, it was for a pretty good reason . Do you have any thoughts about this dynamic ?
[ Meredith ] 100 %. I have learned over and over that I can never regret the things that I give to the Lord when he asks me to lay something down . I truly believe that it ’ s that same principle , “ unless a seed dies it will bear no fruit ”.
[ WM ] Oh good , yeah .
[ Meredith ] And , with that , I have just realized that there ’ s been many times where I think , “ I don ’ t understand why you ’ re asking me to lay it down , but I ’ m going to trust you ”. But I have watched the Lord exceed my expectations on the other side of it . Maybe not right away , but I was so thankful . I ’ ve never been unthankful for the things that he ’ s asked me to lay down , on the other side of it .
[ WM ] You ’ ve stepped into a valuable songwriting role , sometimes solo and sometimes in collaboration . Regarding worship , I ’ ve heard memorable songs that have very few lyrics , and others that seem to have as many words as are found in an episode of Gilmore Girls . ( Meredith laughs ) What is your approach to this ?
[ Meredith ] My approach is that sometimes words are necessary . Other times , when you ’ re speaking from the heart , I really feel like there ’ s less communication that needs to happen . So much can be said in a deep phrase that really comes from a heart place . My heart as a songwriter , and teaching songwriting , has so much more to do with authenticity and getting to the heart than it is just creativity for creative ’ s sake .
I also think music is the same . With musicians , they ’ re communicating even if they ’ re not saying anything . I mean , if you think about it , it ’ s like in a movie you ’ re hearing the music and it ’ s creating a mood , it ’ s creating a tone , that ’ s more than words . And so , I feel like the words , yes , they ’ re very important , but are they connected to the heart ? Are they connected to what ’ s authentic ? And if it needs a lot of words , then so be it . But if it needs few , then stick with the few . That ’ s my approach with that .
[ WM ] Wow ! You really touched on something there . You reminded me of something . It ’ s a holy calling to lead in worship , whether you ’ re playing drums , or if you ’ re out front leading in song , right ? It ’ s a pretty special thing .
And I remember , probably 25 years ago , I was running Vineyard Music . At that time , it was a very large label in Southern California , I had Tuesday morning devotions for the staff . There was about 55 staff members at the time . And I was leading devotions , I did that every week . I invited a Scottish friend of mine , a man called Ian White . And Ian came in , and we were all in the conference room , and I ’ ll never forget this . He struck one strum on his guitar , the place broke down weeping , it was really something else to witness .
[ Meredith ] Oh , I ’ m sure . Yeah , I mean I , it ’ s funny because worship is the only genre that is not meant for people , it ’ s not written solely for people . It ’ s written for the one we ’ re worshiping . Yes , people engage in it , and it ’ s like , yes , when we connect with the music then we can connect with the Lord . But the purpose of worship , in the first place , is to connect
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