Over the years , Brett Younker has written some fabulous songs for the church . His partnership with Passion is well known . Indeed , Passion songs have enjoyed over 3 billion streams worldwide , and the CCLI charts note the significant role that Passion has played in the songs that the church sings . Primarily focused on reaching college students , Passion ’ s key objectives include Worship , Prayer , and Spiritual Awakening . Call On Heaven is the most recent release .
[ Alex ] Thanks so much for this time today . It ’ s really good to meet you . Really .
[ Brett Younker ] Is absolutely great to meet you too . I know every time I ’ ve come up to Nashville the last few years , you can tell a lot more people are in the mix for sure .
[ WM ] That ’ s true . In the nineties you could drive through Nashville at five o ’ clock on Friday at 60 miles an hour . It was just like a big town . But that ’ s not the case anymore .
[ Brett ] Yeah , a lot of people want to be there .
[ WM ] So tell me about your roots . Where did you grow up and were you raised in the church ?
[ Brett ] Yes . I grew up in Marietta , Georgia , one of the suburbs of Atlanta , and my parents were products of the Jesus Movement . They gave their lives to Jesus in the seventies , in middle school / high school era for them . They raised me and my sisters in the church . My Dad led me to Jesus as a young boy . And so , I was just always around church . I went to a Christian school , and I really started to take up this faith as my own and started to kind of live it out . And then I got into a youth group with Kristian Stanfill , who I ’ ve been leading worship with for years now .
We met when we were in the eighth grade . We were just two youth group guys and our youth pastor looked at us and said , “ God could use you . You guys are interested in music , and God could really use that to reach your friends at your high school .” We saw God do a lot in our youth group . God was just doing so much in my life in that same time period . I used to go to a singles Bible study over in Alpharetta , which was about 30 minutes from where I lived . And as a teenager that might as well have been the other side of the earth , but Louie Giglio was leading 722 . I never heard anybody talk about Jesus the way Louie did .
It ’ s like he had been with God , and he was coming and just telling us what God had told him through the Bible and worship . I had never experienced worship . It was like here was this teaching from the Bible that was just blowing my mind and then experiencing the power and the presence of God through this really expressive worship . I had never experienced anything like that up to that point . And so , what
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