Worship Musician Magazine April 2024 | Page 32

How do you view your role as a worship leader ? What ’ s your philosophy of worship ? What ’ s your philosophy of leadership ? How do you define the word “ lead ”?
I started leading “ singing ” when I was in junior high and high school back in the mid 1980 ’ s … long before we called it “ worship .” I could play guitar and I loved to sing . Through trial and error , I began learning how to encourage people to sing along .
When I went to college at Louisiana Tech , in 1987 , I quickly became a part of the BSU ( Baptist Student Union ) where we had a midday chapel service every weekday . To my knowledge , that schedule had been going since my parents were at Tech in the 60 ’ s . We ’ d
meet , sing a few hymns , and then someone would lead a devotion time . Within a few weeks , I found myself volunteering to lead the singing at chapel and I ended up leading daily over my four years at Tech . That truly became my first real training ground for leading worship .
I planned my class schedule around chapel , and it was rare that I ended up having to miss .
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