Worship Musician Magazine April 2024 | Page 3

I was just thinking about what to write about in this April issue ’ s Sound Check column when an email arrived from Brooke Ligertwood ’ s ministry . She sent a note about the song “ Bless God ” and a link to a new video of it . First – here is what she wrote …
“ The power of worship as a habit and a habitual posture cannot be understated . When life and circumstances twist us into all manner of positions , decisively aligning our gaze and confession with the truth of Christ and deliberately bringing Him thanks and praise is not only vital , but an entrance to the joy of the Lord . In the field of plenty , the dark valley , when empty handed , whether victorious or unravelling , blessing God is possible and powerful ! The song “ Bless God ” exists to serve and accompany our pilgrimage through all these seasons and situations .”
Then I clicked the link to the video , and it was a new live version from the Passion conference . How timely is that ? This April issue ’ s cover story is our interview with Brett Younker , and he shares about this year ’ s Passion conference and the worship there at that very large gathering of 55,000 college age worshippers .
In fact , you ’ ll find a lot of good content in this issue in our effort to train worship leaders , worship team musicians and tech teams how to be # BetterBySunday .
Thank you for reading it . Lord Bless You as You Follow Him ! Bruce & Judy
Wow , well said Brooke !
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RinaSolano @ icloud . com Drew @ AdolphAgency . com
Steve @ CreativeSalesResource . com
ProfessorMacBNA @ gmail . com Mike @ AdolphAgency . com Matt @ AdolphAgency . com Brian @ AdolphAgency . com
WorshipMusician . com
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April 2024
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