That type of worship can be encouraging and meaningful . But we shouldn ’ t forget about our Savior who said , “ When I was sick , you cared for me .” Playing music at a hospital bedside is one way of caring .
Music is God ’ s idea . It is a gift that affects us on a physical , psychological , and spiritual level .
[ WM ] Where can our readers find your book ?
[ John ] Well , the 400-pound gorilla in the marketplace is Amazon . They carry the paperback , the eBook and the audio book .
People can also order Notes in the Key of C through their local , independent bookstores and many other on-line retailers such as BookBaby Bookshop ( store . bookbaby . com ).
[ WM ] What advice do you have for worship musicians who would want to follow your lead in ministering in this unique way ?
[ John ] There are ministry opportunities all around us , hidden in plain sight . In retrospect I see the Lord had been preparing me for this ministry for decades . I don ’ t think I ’ m a unicorn . There are brothers and sisters in Christ right now who are being prepared to use their musical gifts in larger ways than they currently anticipate . In my time at the hospital , I only scratched the surface of how music can benefit patients . Babies in the NICU ( neonatal intensive care ), people suffering from dementia / Alzheimer ’ s , people dealing with PTSD ( posttraumatic stress disorder ) can all benefit from music .
[ WM ] John , this entire conversation is very inspiring . Thank you for what you do .
[ John ] Thank you for bringing this topic to your readers !
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