people . It was really amazing .
[ WM ] It is amazing ! Well , Landon Wolf leads a song that you co-wrote with Jess Cates and Chris Davenport . And the song “ The Lord Will Provide ” is a great reminder of trusting the Lord because of his past workings in our lives in spite of an uncertain future . You mentioned uncertainty . In the Old Testament we read of stone memorials or stone markers to mark what God had done in the past in order to remember those things in the future . This song is like a stone marker , isn ’ t it ?
[ Brett ] Yes . Oh yeah .
[ WM ] And we need to be reminded of those things . It ’ s refreshing to me when worship leaders and songwriters are articulate enough in their faith to teach and connect with others without a song . And you seem to be in this category . And do other pastors respect you for this ? What say you ?
[ Brett ] ( laughs ) I don ’ t know . I hope so . You ’ d have to ask the other pastors , but I think over the years , it is the message when you read Acts , it ’ s the wind of the spirit that blows on the message of the Gospel . I love the power of music , the power of melody , the power that God would move through that not just to work in our minds , but to touch our hearts and our emotions . And then I also love , like you said , the power of words and the power of the truth to unlock the mind and to begin to set us free . The truth will set you free . And so for me , I don ’ t care what the medium is , whether it ’ s writing the song or leading the song or preaching the message , or if it ’ s just hanging out at a coffee . I want to help connect the dots so that you get that . AW Tozer says the most important thing that you can ever think about is what comes in your mind when you think about God . And whatever that picture is , is going to determine a whole lot for you . It ’ s going to impact your belief in God , your relationship with God , and that ’ s ultimately going to impact your life in the way that you live your life . And so I just feel really committed to trying to hold up a right and true , big , glorious picture of who Jesus is .
[ WM ] Wonderful . Well , I ’ ve got to ask you about the song “ He Who is To Come .” Wow ! Kristian leads this one . What can you tell us about it ?
[ Brett ] I love this song . Kristian wrote this song with Sean Curran and Cody Carnes . There ’ s some amazing , amazing songwriters there . And it really is one of the ones I was referring to of just singing about the return of Jesus . I think for Kristian , it stirred him to go back into Revelation and really start just meditating on the day that Christ will return for us and He ’ ll come in victory , He ’ ll come in justice to finally right all the wrongs . But then there ’ s also a real urgency because there are a lot of people who do not know Jesus and are not in Christ and are separated from God . And so there ’ s a line in it that says He is surely coming and that we ’ re living in this moment of tension right now . The Kingdom is here , but it ’ s not fully , it ’ s the ‘ already but not yet ’ kind of thing . And I think this song helps us feel that and also gives us incredible hope for that day that Jesus is coming back .
You were talking about those mile marker moments , I was thinking as God was giving us this big picture during Passion . I was actually standing off to the side the session that Landon led this song for the very first time . We ’ re all kind of holding our breath . Is this going to connect ? And it just was like a lightning bolt . And I felt like God was saying in that moment , “ I ’ m calling this generation to something so great , so beyond their capabilities on their own . And I ’ m going to use these students to take the Gospel , to take scripture , to take the Word of God to the nations .” But they ’ re going to come up against a lot and they ’ re going to need one of those Ebenezer moments that you were referring to , to know that God will be the provision for whatever it is that we need as we go about to do that kingdom work as we ’ re living in that tension right now of the brokenness and the hardship of the world .
But to just have that thing that strengthens you along the way to say , “ God hasn ’ t forgotten me , and as I seek first the kingdom , He ’ s going to give me all the things that I need in life to do the very thing that He ’ s calling me to do .”
[ WM ] Amen . I have to ask about the song , “ Cry Out .” You lead it on the recording . Tell us about it ?
[ Brett ] Yes . There ’ s a reference to the second coming of Jesus here as well . Kristian and I wrote two songs apart from one another . We weren ’ t having a side chat about the second coming . I love that because I just think that ’ s the Spirit working within us to bring these things up to the surface . And that song I wrote with some great songwriters , Jacob Sooter , Mitch Wong , and Ben Fielding . When you look in that window of the throne room that we get in Revelation that John gives us , it says that he looked and he saw on the throne a lion-like lamb .
He ’ s at the center of it all . And you see Him in his power and in his humility , the fact that he bears the scars of our salvation , but He ’ s enthroned in the center and all the elders , all the angels , and all the saints . All that worship is orbiting around Him . And that ’ s one of the things I like about “ Cry Out .” The whole Jesus is basically in each verse , there ’ s a new little angle on Jesus , but the essence of it is put Jesus at the center of your life . He ’ s already at the center of eternity . So we have to answer the question , is He at the center of us ? Is he at the center of our heart , our mind , our love , our devotion ? Are we orbiting around him or are we trying to get him to kind of bend around us ? And he ’ s not doing that because he already occupies the center of it all . So yeah , it does . The last verse of that song just looks for that day where he comes for his bride … and it ’ ll be an amazing day .
[ WM ] Well , one song in particular is not a new song . You ’ ve collectively honored a Michael W . Smith song , “ Agnus Dei ” on this release . It is just an exceptional effort here by the Passion team . It really is . How did that decision come
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