we finished Passion 2023 . We were in two cities , Fort Worth and Atlanta . You could feel the stirring happening in this wave of college students . Just think , they ’ re coming of age in a time that ’ s just very unsettled . The ground underneath our feet just doesn ’ t feel sturdy in any arena of life . And there ’ s a lot of confusion in the culture . I think they ’ re looking for clarity . And we felt that hunger coming out of that . And then a few months later you had the outpouring that happened at Asbury University . Myself and a couple of others from our team just wanted to go . I was like , “ We ’ ve been praying for God to move on college campuses . I want to see what ’ s going on .”
And I was really blessed by being there . I was there for about five hours , and I saw the hunger for God and God ’ s kindness to just show Himself , show His grace and His mercy and His power to His people . And so , throughout the year we were seeing God ’ s stirring in a way that seems very unique for this moment in time , in history and in this generation . We kind of do the same thing almost every year . We preach Jesus . We lift up the glory of God , and God draws a lot of people to Himself . And this year we wanted to put a banner over that called Call on Heaven .
And so this came from our design team as they ’ re working on the art and we just carried that as we went to college campuses and we were experiencing this stirring . We didn ’ t promote for a long time for the gathering at Passion . We didn ’ t promote who ’ s going to be there , what bands are going to be there , or what leaders . We have a really consistent group of people who were there . If you were kind of tuned in , you could probably guess who was going to be there to help lead . But we really made it about coming and seeking after Jesus . If you were to look at just kind of getting under the hood at the registrations they were signing up , even though they didn ’ t know who ’ s going to be there or what it was going to entail … because I really think there is just this real hunger and a humility for God in this generation .
So we wanted to just walk in step with that . And as we worked on music , God started to give us a lot of songs that were about Jesus in heaven . There is Jesus that walked the earth , but there ’ s also Jesus glorified , fully glorified in heaven . And there were a lot of songs that in the early parts of our songwriting that just started to come to the surface that were kind of coming around the throne room side of Jesus . And we just felt that sense . When we got into the gathering , He was worshiped . The Gospel was proclaimed over and over and over and the depth of the Gospel and God , God moved very powerfully in ways that I have never experienced , even at a Passion gathering before , especially in a stadium full of 55,000
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