Worship Musician Magazine April 2024 | Page 119

will have sympathetic distortion related to the original signal . Tubes have mostly even-order harmonics ( referred to as second , fourth , and sixth ). Solid-state devices have more oddorder harmonics ( third , fifth and so on ). It is the even-order harmonics that will provide positive embellishments to the original signal , making it sound fuller . A technical article written by Russell O . Hamm published in 1973 in the Journal of the Audio Engineering Society described this as a choral or singing sound . This is largely what provides the ‘ tubey ’ sound , the full , deep , warm sound tube amplifiers are known for . The odd-order harmonics produced by solid state amplifiers produce a edgy or cut-off sound . Often this is viewed as more ‘ accurate ’ sounding , but the reality is it is also largely the cause of listener fatigue . It is not natural distortion or add to the original signal positively , and good ears with tire of it quickly .”
So there is clearly a difference in the way that tubes and solid state circuits work that gets translated out into our perception of the output signal . Harkening back to the question I posed in the opening paragraph : why not have both of these methodologies at your fingertips as you record and mix ? This ‘ best of both worlds ’ approach is easier than you might imagine as many modern live sound mixing consoles include onboard effects to emulate tube preamps without having to go outside the box and buy additional hardware .
TUBE STAGE PREAMPS AND LIVE SOUND I recently had the pleasure of attending the SXSW music festival in Austin , Texas . I witnessed a soundcheck with a well-known alternative rock band that happened to be entirely on in-ear monitors . The bassist was going direct and noted that his in-ear bass tone was a bit underwhelming and lacked some of the ‘ grit ’ and ‘ oomph ’ and body that he wanted to hear .
The sound engineer dialed up the Tube Stage
Preamp on the Allen & Heath Avantis at FOH and hit it with some gain so that just a bit of overdrive ( desirable harmonic distortion ) was added to the mix . Voilà ! That was just what the
Photo : Thomas Jackson , TyneSight Media
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