Worship Musician Magazine April 2024 | Page 110

I ’ ve been observing worship team websites , blogs , and Facebook groups . It ’ s amazing how much growth and creativity is in “ our tribe .” Most everyone is truly hungry to grow in their gifts and have a genuine desire to serve well . I would say THIS is where we should all stand firm . * Stay humble and serve God and people with as much passion and discipline as we can .
The biggest challenge in this “ information age ” is to stay confident , positive , relaxed , and joyful as we continue to grow . There is so much information available to us that sometimes we get so caught up in the next cool playing concept or technical breakthrough that we forget the “ soul ” of what we ’ re supposed to be doing . But it still comes down to playing with passion and heart when we worship the Lord . All other things serve that “ prime directive .”
In light of all this , one topic that seems to keep making the rounds is the same-ness or simplicity of modern worship . Which can cause even the best musician to become bored , or even worse , cynical ! I have addressed this through the years in my writings and teaching at conferences . The solution is not complicated , but it is always a challenge . Simply put … Stop complaining , don ’ t be a whiner , and just do a great job with passion . It ’ s just a style or way of playing . Right ?! Do it well and serve with all your heart . --- Do you still like me ? OK … I hear ya … here ’ s the “ How ”.
Mix up your playing with the “ new ” and the “ old .” Whatever music you ’ re playing make it sound amazing , authentic , fresh , and as perfect as you are capable of making it sound . When I hear great musicians play any style of music with passion and excellence it feels timeless whether it ’ s new music or classics . Don ’ t allow your heart or thoughts to dwell on anything negative . NEVER .
I deal with the same challenges . So I get it . But … when I guard my heart and honor whatever the Lord gives me to do , I notice it ’ s a joy to do what I am made to do whether it ’ s new or old .
Practice What You ’ re NOT Performing . – One thing that has helped me so much is to work on ideas in my practice time that I ’ m not doing “ on the job .” This keeps me from trying out new ideas on the band ( worship team ), when it is vital to play the music as required so they feel comfortable . By the way , that is being truly authentic . I make the band ” play list ” as accurate to the original performances as possible , but at home I ’ m working on all kinds of things . I make it a point to listen and copy new music as well as the old tunes . I will check out the latest from the top CCM and Worship music and then go back and play along to an old Keith Green record . You can do this with every style of music . And you should ! You ’ ll keep learning that way . The complaint that all the music today sounds the same is something every creative person deals with … in every style of music ! I mean , have you listened to country music , or pop , or …. OK , you get the picture . So … don ’ t get bogged down in the negative thinking . Stay positive .
It is OK to try to make songs better . By improving your performance or beefing up your sound you can make your current situation more exciting . Be sure it is really something that is helping the music . For instance on a recent live recording I incorporated the Yamaha EAD10 to my set up and supplemented that sound and samples with the live mix and the engineer loved it . In fact the band noticed how big the sound was and felt it was inspiring for them . * That ’ s an added bonus ! * I even became aware that I was so focused on trying so many ideas that I forgot about the more important point of what I was doing . I was not
thinking about the meaning of the songs and wasn ’ t engaged in the worship . So I just had to let the tech stuff go and set my heart on worshipping the Lord . On breaks I did switch out snare drums and tried other cymbals . It ’ s just part of doing a good job . That constant tweaking and trying new things keeps every gig fun and fresh .
Bless you as you work on growing as a drummer . Remember ; mix it up … something new and something old . Stay fresh . Stay positive .
Peace , Carl – contact me for lessons , coaching , and production . Or just to answer questions .
Carl Albrecht Professional drummer for 30 + years , playing with Paul Baloche , Don Moen , Ron Kenoly , Abe Laboriel , LeAnn Rimes and others . He ’ s also a clinician , author & pastor . Contact Carl for coaching , online lessons , producing , or sessions . I ’ m still growing too ... www . CarlAlbrecht . com LMAlbrecht @ aol . com
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