Many of my articles for Worship Musician Magazine have been practical in nature , specifically designed around guitar and music tips .
This is a different kind of article . I want to talk about the spiritual aspect of our guitar offerings , which we are called to present as acts of worship ( on and off the platform ). If we are worshiping with our guitar playing , it ’ s in response to a calling , because the Lord calls us to worship .
And He who calls us to worship “ will supply our needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus ” ( Philippians 4:19 ).
But we need to align ourselves with His purposes through prayer , so that we can walk in step with Him in all aspects of our guitar playing . This includes solo practice , worship band practice , recording , any time we are holding our guitar , and even when we are not .
Really , we are called to “ Rejoice always , pray without ceasing ; in everything give thanks ; for this is God ’ s will for you in Christ Jesus ” ( 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 ).
I certainly want to do His will above my own , don ’ t you ? But this doesn ’ t happen by accident . We need to intentionally pursue His will as we develop and offer our gifts . Much of this happens when we pray .
PRAYING BEFORE SOLO PRACTICE TIME For years of my guitar development , I had a sign on my wall that said , “ Pray Before You Play .” Each time I sat down to practice , this gentle reminder helped me cultivate the habit to pray . My prayer really set the tone for my practice time . It still does .
Just to be clear , my prayer before my practice time has always been brief , but very intentional . It ’ s not perfunctory ; it ’ s not done by rote . I don ’ t say , “ Lord , please bless my practice time . Amen .”
On the contrary , I pray things like , “ Lord , thank you for these musical gifts you ’ ve entrusted to me . I know I will be held accountable for my stewardship of these talents . I want to play well , for Your glory alone , and I want to use this time well that you ’ ve given to me . Grant me wisdom to know what I can focus on and help me to maximize my efforts so as to practice efficiently … but please also give me Your joy as I discover what You would have me learn today .”
PRAYING WITH YOUR WORSHIP TEAM In my years of leading worship from the guitar , I have always committed to praying before a worship team rehearsal , and also before the Sunday morning run-thru . It ’ s so important to commit our work to the Lord as we prepare to offer our gifts . This allows us to align our hearts with Him together , so that we can lead well . Also , if we are not in accord relationally and spiritually , our prayers may be hindered , and the people we serve will be affected .
We need to keep short accounts with our teammates , walk in integrity , and prayerfully lay our worship offerings ( including the preparation ) at His feet as we prepare to lead God ’ s people in worship .
We may pray before or after sound check , but it ’ s vital that we pray before we begin rehearsing . Once in a while , something technical falls apart – the monitors stop working , the projection computer freezes , or the audio signal chain gets broken somehow . When I ’ ve finally resorted to prayer , that tech challenge has either been solved , or the team has been given what they need to persevere through the challenge . I have grown in my walk with the Lord to where I go to prayer much more readily .
Years ago , I was a guest worship leader at a church where the worship director ( who was a very seasoned musician ) gave me the responsibility of preparing and leading the team on a Sunday morning . He played the piano to support this team I was leading . When everyone had arrived and tuned up , I asked the rhetorical question , “ Shall we pray ?” I expected everyone to nod in agreement , and to join me in committing the morning to the Lord . Instead , I was startled to hear the worship director say , “ Nah , we ’ re good . Let ’ s get on with the music .”
He wasn ’ t joking . I was dumbfounded . I couldn ’ t believe my ears . May this never happen in the heart of any worship musician , anywhere .
We all need to pray , especially when we are preparing to lead others in worship . I ’ ll also add that asking another team member to pray ( vocalists , instrumentalists , and tech crew ) is a wonderful way of hearing their heart for the Lord . I ’ m often deeply humbled when I hear a fellow team member pray .
If you ’ re like me , your life is pretty full . The time we have available to practice , whether solo or as a band , is limited . Let ’ s make that time count . Let ’ s commit our practice time to prayer and watch what the Lord does to multiply our efforts .
© GuitarSuccess4U . All rights reserved . David Harsh David Harsh is a nationally touring worship leader , songwriter and performing artist . He helps beginning and returning guitarists find a clear path to guitar success with his revolutionary approach . Learn more and join at www . GuitarSuccess4U . com .