Worship Musician Magazine April 2022 | Page 20

Now I want to ... When something captures you , you can ' t help but want to regurgitate it . That ' s just how consumption happens . You take it in , you put it out . So , if I ' m captured by it , and I consume it , I ' m going to have to say it . That ' s why I think my stuff looks like it ' s fluid and ever evolving is because I ' m constantly inspired and captured by stuff .
I want to tinker with it and figure out what made me move by what I consumed ? Then I want to say it out loud again .
[ WM ] And there are multiple producers involved , including Solomon Olds , whom I go way back with ! You must have a high level of respect for each of those , to have so many behind the board ?
[ Crowder ] Well , you know , the same way that I ' m exploring with stuff that just captures my ear as a consumer , what I consume , also as a creator , I want to be around people that create in a way that … I want to know more of how they are making what they ' re making . So , for me , Solly ' s , like , real . In the very beginning of the Crowder endeavor , that guy and Ableton Live , he is the quickest person I ' ve ever been around in Ableton Live .
So , I want to see how he ' s organizing his files , you know , his file structure . Like what do your disks look like ? You know , I want to see your drives , and how you organize your kick drums . That ' s just a selfish endeavor , that I want him in my proximity when I ' m making music so I can watch how he makes music , and it will make me and make my music better . Same with the rest of the guys that are a part of that . Whether it be songwriting , lyric writing , or melody writing . To watch somebody amazing at their craft , I want to absorb that , and become better at what I ’ m trying to do , I ' ve just been incredibly fortunate to be around people that are amazing at what they do .
And they know it . When I get in the room , I ' m a leach , man . I am just sucking it all up . I ' m taking it all in .
[ WM ] Well , you know , I ' ve known Solly since he was 13 . He was a genius then .
[ Crowder ] I love it . He ' s a genius adult as well . Him and his wife are a force as a songwriting team , they really are .
[ WM ] That ’ s one of the many things brilliant about the Beatles . Even though most every song is so different from another , you can always tell it ’ s them when listening to an album . For many significant artists , there is a project that is considered their “ transitional ” step by musicologists . For the Beatles it was Rubber Soul , and for Stevie Wonder , it was 1972 ’ s Music of My Mind . Do you have a transitional album , or do you consider each project to be a transition in itself ?
[ Crowder ] ( laughs ) That ' s great . I ' m not a musicologist . Not in the way that those folks are at . Yeah . For me it always feels like transition . Really , all of it just feels like a new discovery . Every time I ' ve approached an
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