Worship Musician Magazine April 2021 | Page 7

I recently had the good fortune to visit with Maverick City Music ’ s Chandler Moore and Naomi Raine . Maverick City was born out of “ songwriting camps ” just a few years ago , and within that short time , they have not only recorded multiple projects , but garnered multiple awards and nominations . Their website states , “ Maverick City started with a dream to make space for folk that would otherwise live in their own separate worlds . To break the unspoken rules that exist in the CCM and Gospel World ! But more importantly it is to be a megaphone for a community of creatives that have been pushed to the margins of the industry of Church Music . What brings us together , and that sound that is vivaciously smacking you in the face the first time you hit play on a Maverick track . Isn ’ t the sound of a community that centered around their deprivation , it ’ s the audacious sound of true belonging : The beautiful harmony of a long-lost family .”
[ WM ] What a pleasure it is to meet with you both today !
[ Naomi Raine + Chandler Moore of Maverick City ] Thank you for this time !
[ WM ] I love what I ’ m understanding about your stated purpose ! From my perspective , you are not waiting to be “ discovered ” by a record label . You are creating your own rules and submitting your efforts to the Lord . There was a time when new music sung in church was not really marketed , but rather , took on an independent life of its own . Spontaneity was in play , and God breathed on the songs that rose to the top . What say you ?
[ Naomi ] I think that assessment would be right , I don ’ t think that we ’ re waiting to be discovered or given an opportunity , I think we ’ re looking for whatever opportunity the Lord provides for us and to serve the church where the church has needs that need to be met . I think that we ’ ve tapped into something bigger than us that serves the needs of the church and not the desires of the industry .
Because of that I think it ’ s resonating with people and it ’ s moving people and blessing them . Anything can bless people , but what we ’ re saying is that we want to give to people what they might not ordinarily get through the industry , its something different and something fresh and that ’ s why it ’ s moving .
I think because of that freedom of not having to meet up to a standard , we ’ re able to do what I believe is just following the leading of the Holy Spirit . We ’ re able to be spontaneous because we ’ re not really putting too much stock in how good it is . It ’ s not about that . It ’ s about who He is and what the Lord is doing at the moment , and to me that is really freeing . It ’ s a really free place to be and I think that ’ s what people sense
Naomi Raine Chandler Moore
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