Worship Musician Magazine April 2021 | Page 31

name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth . Rise up and walk .” And this guy gets up and starts walking and praising the Lord . And what ’ s crazy about that story to me is that this guy was at church every day . He had been at church every day of his life asking for money , because in his heart he didn ’ t believe that the thing he really needed was even possible . He was asking for money instead of being healed because he didn ’ t think it was possible . And when did the healing come ? The healing came when Peter said , “ In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth .” The power is in speaking the name of Jesus over people . So that ’ s what we want this song to do is encourage people to actively step out and speak the name of Jesus over people , and that ’ s when miracles will start happening again . We actually tell our people in church , “ Don ’ t ever tell somebody you ’ re going to pray for them . Pray for them .” Speak the name of Jesus over them . That ’ s what we see in the New Testament , never do we see someone say , “ I ’ m gonna pray for you ”, you just speak the name of Jesus and watch it happen .
[ WM ] And “ Saints and Angels ”, is just wonderful . Please tell us about this song ?
[ Jesse ] “ Saints and Angels ” was carried by a girl named Carrie Hardcastle . Her husband is Britton , and Britton sings “ I Speak Jesus ”. I wrote “ Saints and Angels ” with Leslie Jordan from All Sons and Daughters , and Hope Darst . Again , the goal of that was to write a really simple singable song . The devotional behind that would be that when you read Revelations 4 and 5 and it talks about the twenty-four elders bowing down and laying their crowns down and the living creatures and the angels calling out , “ Holy , Holy , is the Lord God Almighty , the one who was and is to come ”. We read that like it ’ s a history book , as something that happened
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