Worship Musician June 2020 | Page 70

something or take away from that story at all. I think anyone with a creative bone in their body is always saying, “How can we say this is a fresh way? How can we be more effective in our communication of this story?” Not thinking that we can speak for the gospel, or speak for the Word of God, but how can we be creative and help people understand? So, we did some study together, me and the two other writers, before we even sang a note or picked up a guitar, we did some study together looking over the Word of God and looking at some Biblical commentaries. One side of the tomb wh Lazarus back to life. T believe that it was wee was raised from the de was in the midst of deat there He was on the o where He proved to th of time that He was kin stone. We pretty much we had anything else in us had said that it was one to pull off. And it w wrote that song about t I came across a sermon by one of my best friends in the whole world, Charles Spurgeon, and he preached a few times from this chapter, John 11, talking about the story of Lazarus. And he was doing what he does so brilliantly and breaking down that story in a different way, and we realized that there are these two clear instances of Jesus’ interaction with a tomb. All of Me 36 June 2020