Worship Musician June 2020 | Page 147

LEADERS WORLD | Grant Norsworthy ugh the numerous and Tube videos) has taken God’s blessing from over their communities, , and the whole world. be in the same room musical ability levels, thnicities, nationalities y different church found a way to sing r anyway. With a great nes admin and audio/ de videos of individual cted and compiled to image of John 17:21 one-ness! A great reminder that we are The Church and that “church” is not a building or a weekly gathering… that we are to be a conduit for God's blessing to all people. And - reflecting my own particular musical bias - what a great reminder of the potency, importance and power of God’s people singing worshipfully together. So, please allow me to share with you my favorite five, virtual choir “The Blessing” videos - of the ones I have seen so far. It appears to me to have started in Pittsburg, PA. Published on April 11th, 2020 “The Pittsburgh Blessing | Virtual Church Choir” showed the way and the rest of us are grateful. future when humanity -19 pandemic of 2020 e Blessing” will show s the Christian Church risis. We chose to set ces and sing together fied voice - God’s own he world. ment! What a powerful Worship Together helped move things along well with their “The Blessing // Virtual Choir” offering released April 26. “The Blessing South Africa” arrived on Apr 30th, bringing a very special South African flavor and featuring sections of the singing using indigenous language. “The Blessing” video that first found its way to me and my family's eyes and ears was “The UK burgh Blessing | Virtual Church Choir” Subscribe for Free...