Worship Musician June 2020 | Page 13

youth group, so when ther it was actually very would say Chris is like doing this for so long ther well, we’ve gone m, and we’ve grieved and he lost his son s of each other. So we walking through difficult nderstand that about have the intention of becoming a band or to make this many albums. We just wanted to see people encounter the Lord like we were in worship. It was an amazing time, we look back on it and it’s hard not to dismiss those days and the simplicity of it, but over the years I think we’ve done a pretty good job at maintaining the integrity and the heart behind what we do. I think our heart remains the same. [WM] And so those foundations established during your time together in Redding influenced you both to help plant Jesus Culture Church in the Sacramento area, correct? [Kim] That’s correct. We just celebrated five years last September, so we’re almost going into six years with our church. [Chris] Yes, that’s correct. un, it’s like leading with itely had our moments, e been times when we long, but we’ve always at’s just part of family. ng ago, I guess it is, guring it out. We were ng after God, and we ents in worship where the Lord’s presence. n to even start a band lbum really. We were im has such a strong her life. We were just up moments, then we es, then Banning was ’s now our lead pastor g said, “Let’s record sell some albums, but give it to our youth so listen to in their cars or t to have something to n.” The long story short Kim’s songs, “How He it just kind of took off the early days it was d and we really didn’t [WM] It’s interesting to me that Jesus Culture Church was planted in Folsom, CA, just a few miles from Folsom Prison, made famous by Johnny Cash’s Folsom Prison Blues. Within the same community you have a famous place of incarceration and punishment juxtaposed to a place representing freedom and forgiveness. I’m sure you’ve considered this. [Kim] Oh yeah. Actually before we came to the area, we all as a team thought to pray about the move and everything. Obviously with a huge city like Sacramento there are a lot of different areas and suburbs and towns around that where we could plant. At first it seemed like we were just going down there and just find a spot that works and is convenient and call it good. But when we prayed I felt like the Lord gave me a word that said that we needed to be really strategic about where we planted, and we needed to pick a place that not just works but where we want to put down roots and invest in that area of the city and that we feel called to do that. So, we felt called to Folsom, and I think it’s actually really incredible and beautiful. At our church we actually have a lot of new Christians, and we do a lot of discipling, and that is something I’m super passionate Subscribe for Free... 7