Worship Musician June 2020 | Page 81

ed only on what comes with those who loved ’t entirely about praise ey were often centered iscussion. I think a lot nging to God” part, but lking to our rabbi, our ing. ability and transparency frame present realities for what they are. And when we avoid the mess of the present, we also avoid the blessing that comes only from engaging it honestly. There’s a path to walk, but many songs seem more concerned with where it leads than the path itself. Still, Jesus’ words and actions show us a different way. A way of presence. A way of full embodiment and commitment to here and now. And we find along this path that it’s a place where questions are welcome. Let’s write accordingly. ional music, and those arily in answers. We g in answers, and then ho loves questions. A rney, the trajectory, the sn’t just allow the raw elebrates it. [Author’s note: This is a sister piece to my column from last month, “Making Room for Lament,” which I highly recommend reading as an accompaniment to the ideas expressed here.] can replace the beauty latitudes, and thus rob th. It’s easy to get so ises that we forget to Kevin MacDougall Worship leader, published and recorded songwriter, musician and podcast producer. [email protected] Subscribe for Free... 41