Worship Musician June 2020 | Page 72

what we want to say, what people need to sing, etcetera. But that particular song started from a musical perspective first. One of our modes of operation for this last album was to try to make creative choices and take creative risks when it comes to arrangements, or the musical side of what we do. So, we had this phrase that we kept throwing around when we were writing the project called “crash the plane”, we’d say, “We’re going to try to crash the plane.” Meaning, if a commercial pilot takes a plane into the air, he needs to take them from point A to point B and make sure everyone is safe, so he gets them to a comfortable cruising altitude and hopefully doesn’t have too many bumps, and a few hours later he’s flown from Minneapolis to LAX and everyone is safe and happy and nothing really exciting happened. Then there’s a fighter pilot or a stunt pilot who wants to do barrel rolls, and wants to go 360, and wants to take the plane the fastest it can go, to accomplish something amazing. So, we told ourselves that a lot in the beginning of the process to try to accomplish creative and fresh things in the project, an “All of Me” was somet take a risk on, and we came out. [WM] And the song, “ great pop song. What c [Ryan] That song was great songwriters nam about the origin. I rem lot of that idea to the w pretty much already h working on the lyrics camp and back. I reme Love That Lasts June 2020