ioners mean staff cut
rts curtailed for lack of
urch these next few
meet? How do we
and children in the
does this effect the
l? Celebrate Recovery,
ministries, Kids and
r camps? Not to
e worship artists and
we cover editorially
]… the entire touring
own. When will we
or large size concert
repercussions for live
istian music festivals,
for the artist support
ns, Management, Tour
Next, consider your favorite conferences for
worship leaders and teams. Training events like
our own Christian Musician Summit, Worship
Together, FILO and others. How will these
function? We can’t stream everything from now
on can we?
All of this is a bit unknown and I have way more
questions to propose than I have answers. The
one thing I do have in my heart and mind is
this… we may not know the future - but we
know Him who holds it! It is the Lord who
numbers our days and when you trust in the
Lord - it is a well-placed trust.
Hang in there friends.
“Draw nigh unto Him and He will draw nigh
unto you”. That is the course correction that is
needed most.
Bruce & Judy
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