lutely. We’ve got some
hat are kind of part of
from other churches as
t our church, with our
e, I just want to pursue
n the journey with us. I
he process of us going
t giving you a product
you into a pursuit. And
heart, we just want to
ry first album we ever
y, we’re encountering
ut a CD out it will invite
at was always what it
t ‘getting back to our
think we ever left that,
ipping away the band
nity of people who are
ant to see the name of
Jesus lifted high, who are passionate about
His presence, who would love for you to come
pursue God with us. We’re capturing these
moments with a hope and a desire that people
will say yes to pursuing Jesus as well, so that
together we can go after God. That’s why we’re
doing what we’re doing, and why we’re calling
it Church.
[WM] I think this is giving people an insight
into the pastoral aspect of Jesus Culture, not
just between you and the band, but between
you and the people who are listening to this
[Banning] There is something to that, I
agree. For one, it puts some mission behind
it. The goal is not just for people to sing our
songs, that’s not even the third goal! We have
a bigger goal in what we’re going after with
our mission and the mandate that God’s given
us. It’s keeping worship leaders connected to
something bigger than themselves. And this
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