playing that chorus idea on the piano, and
we only had like an hour and a half to finish,
and we just felt like that stirring in our hearts
to remember that God really has been good,
He has been faithful looking back even just at
the situations in our own lives. We were each
in corners of the room just contemplating
how God has met us where were at. And it
is amazing when you have that perspective
shift. Things don’t always turn out the way you
expect of hope or the way you would have
planned them personally, but God always has
the best for us in mind. So, for us and for me
that song was through all the highs and the
lows, God is good and He has been faithful.
For me it’s a song of realigning my perspective.
Highs and lows, things and situations change,
and through them all God has been good and
He has been faithful. So that’s what that song is
about, and for me its very special because it’s
one that I need to sing, daily sometimes.
so we’d be reconciled to
reconciled to each othe
the bride, the body of C
it is in the heart of the F
would walk in love tow
is the greatest comma
and love each other. So
a worship leader that n
tune with that love, and
love then you cannot he
love out onto the people
looks like is caring abou
others and caring abou
You care about what’s h
you care about the peo
out on the streets and
wherever it is. If you ar
love will be leaking out o
compelled to love those
I certainly hope that all o
are experiencing that.
[WM] Kim, when acts of worship move to
the streets, they take the form of compassion,
generosity, and social justice, all from a Christcentered
motivation. Are worship leaders
overall in tune with this thought?
[Kim] I certainly hope they are! If I were to define
worship, I would simply say that worship is God
pouring out His love on us, and us responding
to that love and pouring our love back on
Him. That relationship and that connection is
what gives purpose to why we sing, why we
play instruments, and why we write songs.
Apart from that it would all just be noise. The
really great thing that I think people sometimes
forget, is that we talk about reconciliation, and
we talk about the cross and us being reconciled
to Jesus. But Jesus went to the cross not just
[WM] Chris, what is
these days and do you
[Chris] My guitar of cho
a lot more acoustic late
Gretsch guitars that I lov
a Black Panther, and a
which are fantastic. But
playing is a Martin 000-
years now, and it has a
it. It has a mic and pick
output and I’m able to b
So that’s what I’ve bee
love it, I like the body siz
inspiration to play.
As to drums, I haven’t re
the last Bethel album I
June 2020