few at our local church but each one just feels
unique and special in their own way.
[WM] Kim, can you tell us about the song,
“Insatiable”, from Volume One? I’ve heard it
described as “cinematic” due to the sonics of it,
and I would have to agree. It’s very different and
sweeping to my ears and soul. Some songs are
meant to be sung “over” a congregation.
expecting Him to prove
it was proof enough p
cross, and that is worth
“Insatiable” is saying th
He is the Father runn
saying, “I’m not giving u
go of you, and I will not
heart.” And that is a me
identify with and I think m
[Kim] This song is really different. I love all of
our traditional worship songs, but I love when
we have something different and special as well
and I think that’s what this is. Chris McClarney
wrote this with Dustin Smith and Mitch Wong
and brought it to me. Chris was like, “I think
you should sing this Kim!” I heard it and loved
it. I guess what I love most and what I identify
with most in this song is the idea that God really
does want all of our hearts, that He doesn’t
settle for just a piece. That’s not what He sent
is Son to die for. Jesus went to the cross and
died so He could have all of our hearts to bring
wholeness and restoration and healing to every
piece of our heart. It’s very easy, and often we
find ourselves holding back, or just giving Him a
piece at a time, and maybe we’ve gone through
situations where we were hurt, or our heart
was broken, where we were disappointed.
And maybe without even realizing it we are
only giving Him pieces at a time and almost
[WM] And from Volum
track called “Fearless”.
that composition?
[Kim] I wrote this song
Frye, who I love writin
a lot together, and we
conversations. One was
it’s really hard to write a
song that is exciting a
and content and isn’t ju
of song. Then we talked
the Lord was speaking t
being fearless and bo
and relationship with Go
also just being like a ch
just believing what He
you are a new creation.
thinking of all this, all
videos that are all over
where an animal gets ca
June 2020