Worship Musician June 2019 | Page 53

that sound more pleasing to the ear? Probably. the mics and we just left the crowd mics. And we really wanted to communicate, and I love it. But the realness was the point, and when you you wouldn’t know it, it’s just the crowd mics I think the congregational worship space just have that, at least that mindset, and whether it and my voice coming through the speakers lends itself to conveying that even more. It really makes you great at recording or not is arguable, singing the bridge, and then the people take excited me about the songs to be written, and you can argue that point with plenty of people. over the song. Not planned, not intentional, but the way those songs will sound over the years But what you can’t argue is that it makes you the moment actually happened, so even in that and how that will evolve. go, “Huh, did that really happen? That’s the real what you’re hearing is a live song. piano?” Yes. “That noise, that pop, that’s really [WM] So in essence, the song is a kind of in the room?” Yes. “Huh, what about that, did vessel through which the worship experience you go back and re-cut that acoustic?” No. flows vertically. That takes the idea of ‘just “That’s a real acoustic?” Yes. doing a song’ on Sunday morning to a whole other place of intentionality. Glenn Gould, the And even if that’s all it is, it’s refreshing when brilliant Classical pianist stopped performing you hear a different approach, it opens you live because the separation between what he up and you realize there are different ways. There are other ways as well. Sometimes the did and the audience bothered him so much. Housefires with Pat Barrett // “Good Good Father” What you’re talking about is so much more than most appropriate way to convey a song is a whether or not the congregation responded, fully produced studio version. Sometimes the But what we’re trying to say, so to speak, is that most appropriate way to convey a song is an when you’re worshipping the point is people. acoustic stripped-down version. Sometimes It’s not even the song, it’s the experience you [Pat] It’s pretty amazing, I love it. I love the most appropriate way to convey a song and have together. It’s the ability for us to affect produced, I love unproduced, I love all of it. I to present a song to the world is a communal one another, it’s the ability to steer the ship in a think what’s important is that somebody feels worship live version. It’s the reminder that you certain direction together. Participation is very like it’s true to them. I think that’s what you’re get freedom to choose that route, and it’s different than just performance. A performance getting at too, the last thing you want to do is always refreshing when you hear a different you can just watch but participating is different. put out something you don’t believe in. You point of view and a different perspective. It at If you don’t sing it’s going to affect all of us. want to put it out and be proud of it and be like, least inspires me to think outside of my current If you don’t show up this experience is going “Yes, this is what we want to do, and we want norm. I love being challenged in that way. to be really different, so it’s just a communal to do it this way on purpose and I hope that it reminder that everyone has a gift to bring. One affects you in as exciting of a way as it was for Halfway through the Housefires II version of body, different parts, everyone needs everyone me to share it.” That right there would be the “Good, Good Father” it goes to a down bridge to show up, not for recording but for life, we gift with music. at like the very end of the song. We turned off all need each other. That’s one of the values that June 2019 rather it’s about where ‘we’ went together. Subscribe for Free... 53