[WM] Bradford, it’s funny you mentioned the kingdom, which really is all we care about. our series, everyone is welcome.” What people
the word influence. As I paused the Worship The more influence we have the more we are interested in, especially in a large church, is
Manual video on YouTube that talked about too realize that it gets more serious, because the what it is like to hang out with the pastor during
many songs, postage stamp images for videos Bible says that those who preach the word are the week. If churches can portray that on social
from Josh Scott, Gary Vaynerchuck, and Pete going to be held accountable even more. So it’s media, people connect with the leadership in
Thorn popped up and made me realize how this pressure to make sure we have influence a different way, and I hope the same is true
much you guys have become part of the social because we know it’s going to help us, but now for Worship Tutorials. I want people to feel like
fabric for a number of worship musicians. we have to be even more careful about what Fuller, Bradford, Brian, we are your friends.
You’re killing it on a number of the fronts that we do with that influence, because we could We are in this with you and you are part of our
influencers like Gary say you should be. Before be doing something that hurts the church as lives in a sense. That’s what we want people to
I mentioned that you guys have a really gentle opposed to edifying it and furthering it. I don’t experience because that’s how we feel about it.
approach to how you engage people and I love think we’ve ever felt like we were hurting the We’re here to help you and we want you to be
that. Do you see social media as an instrument church, it’s just on our radar. part of this. What I would love to do via social
like a mic or guitar that is an integral part of
media is allow people to connect with us on a
what you do, or is it something that can suck [Brian] Is YouTube considered a social media the virtue out of you in terms of chasing stats, platform? I have spent a good deal of time or perhaps a bit of both? studying people on YouTube that have found [Fuller] Of the three of us I’m the least savvy
success and trying to understand why they social media guy, I literally just started using
[Bradford] I think what is great is that the three have success. I’ve studied guys like KC Niestat Facebook with my wife. I commandeered
of us are very similar in a lot of ways but we’re and Peter McKinnon, and if you follow them, her page earlier this year and it’s great for
also very different. Is there something that’s like you get to know them, and you feel like you networking and stuff. But I think you can get
yin and yang but with three parts instead of become part of their life. Brad is better at social caught up in social media, it’s like anything
two? I think for all of us, the way we look at it is media than Fuller and I. But one thing that is in life, it’s a great strength but also a great
that at the end of the day, we’re not obsessed important to me about social media is that weakness. It’s the greatest thing that’s ever
with social media. Influence and subscribers people are interested in relationship, they’re are happened to technology, but it’s also probably
wont change our heart for excellence and wired for relationships, it’s just how God made the worst thing because people are putting so
authenticity. If anything, the more we have the us. If we can create content that let’s people in much value in it.
more passionate we’re going to get because a little bit, and this is true for worship leading as we realize that to whom much has been given well, this is the authenticity part. If people can The season that I’m going through personally is
much will be required. At the same time you connect to you as a person while you are on that I realized a lot of my goals and ambitions
can’t manage what you don’t measure. So, if the platform leading them, they are more apt to were too tied to things that I couldn’t control.
we look at something and realize it’s not doing be led by you. The same thing is true with social Like maybe your goal is to have a million
well, or we look at something and realize it’s media in my opinion, if you can let people in. subscribers, and that’s a great goal, but you
exploding, we have to be good stewards and
realize the reason.
more personal level.
can’t control that. What you can control is, “I’m
If all I ever did was teach a song and sing a song, going to film a valuable video and release it
and that was the whole channel, it would be every week”. I think when we focus less on the
We’re on the hunt to slowly and surely get far less valuable than the Sunday vlog content things we can’t control and more on the things
ten thousand followers on Instagram, and the where you get to know Fuller and I and you get we can control life is better. The numbers or the
reason is that it will help us engage better. let in on personal conversation. When Brad followers will happen if you’re adding value to
Having ten thousand followers on Instagram and I do review videos together hopefully what peoples lives, you’re going to see increase. I
is beneficial because we can swipe up which you experience is that it’s like hanging out with sincerely believe that the best way to get what
means we could be a little more effective. Could us. And that’s what we want to show in social you want out of life is to help others get what
that possibly lead to more patch sales, yeah. media. Apart from YouTube, one of the things they want. I think that’s the thing for us with
I told Brian that if we can get that swipe up I want to use Instagram for is to go a little bit Worship Tutorials, and like Brian said earlier,
feature, people are probably going to be more behind the scenes and see what it’s like. I think we sell the products that we make because
impulsive to buy stuff from us. At the same time this is where churches miss the boat big time we need them. We need them at our church
that platform means our reach is farther and it with social media. People are not interested so we make them because they don’t exist.
means we could be more effective at what we in watching a pastor stand there and read a We teach songs and we’re going to continue
do, our ministry specifically, but effectively for script saying, “This weekend we’re kicking off to mentor leaders because we’re passionate
June 2019
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