opportunity that came for us in the heyday of have plans to continue that. It’s a little different, were in bands and out playing, and were
Small Town Poets. It was us just going for it it’s much smaller than the one in the states, part of the community. It had a very musician
and not waiting around for someone to give but its been a great event to connect with community vibe, it did not feel like a startup. I
us permission. European artists. mean it felt like a startup in the sense of how
scrappy we were, but it didn’t feel like a tech
So that’s a lot of what we’re doing here,
[WM] Is the conference once a year?
We’ve been growing a lot internationally, we startup with IT guys and stuff like that. It was
have reps all over Latin America, we have a a bunch of people that were very passionate
London office, we’re growing our presence about their music and helping other artists,
in Europe and Asia, we have a rep in Asia and that’s always been a part of the DNA at
[Kevin] We actually have two conferences. and a rep in Canada. So we’re really a global CD Baby.
We have one big one in the states every year, company at this point.
and this year its in Austin August 16 th -18th at
Still a large majority of us are active artists. Even
the Hilton down there by the convention center. [WM] Like with our magazine, we’re trying though I have a full-time job I’ve released more
That’s a big event, we get about 1,500 artists to build community with all of these different music while working here than I did when I was
to that. worship teams and worship folks across the doing music full- time. I actually was working
country, and we’re reaching fifty different on guitar tracks last night for a new Smalltown
Then we partnered with Berklee College of countries as well, so I like that CD Baby cares Poets song, and we have more tracks that we
Music, who actually has a campus in Valencia, about community with the artist. hope to have out next month.
of the conference at their campus in Valencia. [Kevin] Yeah that’s something that is a big So, for us it’s still very much about being
I’ve had to take one for the team and go to deal for us. A lot of people that work here are together with the community, it’s not about
Valencia, Spain three years in a row. So this active musicians. When I started working at CD us being the talking head professionals going,
year was our second year doing it and we Baby I would say ninety percent of the people “Listen artists, you need to do this”.
Spain. We’ve been doing a European version
June 2019
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