love of music away from me because I’ve done God really just used that moment in the car, say, good job, well done. You had a hand in
this since I was nine years old. And my identity because I was at this place where I had already planting seeds that led people to Christ”. And
and my worth is wrapped up in it. I’m not being surrendered myself to Him, and I just said, my heart just changed.
successful, and I need to know who I am in “Lord I need you to show me what You would you and what You’ve created me to do.” So, have me do with my life.” So, I was listening [WM] Your songs have been covered by
I just really stepped back, I left my label, and I to the radio and heard Him say, “I want you to Faith Hill, Danny Gokey (from American Idol),
stepped back from music altogether. tell people about me. I gave you this gift and Sara Evans, and Jana Kramer among others.
this love of music, but you’ve been using it for “Georgia Peaches” was the tune of yours
But I was listening to the radio in the car one yourself for so long and it’s time for you to start that Lauren Alaina recorded, and your song
day, and it was Christian radio. I grew up in the singing for Me.” It was just as clear as day really. “Wildflowers” from 2009, was a great tribute to
church and I love the Lord so much, but I just I was like, “Okay, that is what I want to do, I early childhood and adolescent memories. Do
never thought that Christian music is what I want to stand in front of the Lord and have Him you enjoy reaching back to those early times for
would do. My relationship with the Lord is so
inspiration in your writing?
emotional and so personal that I always thought
that if I sang Christian music that I would get up [Mallary] Absolutely, yes, I do. I was just talking
and sing and just start crying. (laughs) There about this in another interview. I’m the kind of
had been times at church where that would writer that everything I write is always from
happen. I just never even thought that was an personal experience, and it’s never anything
option. I always thought I’m too emotional for that’s been made up. I think it’s really cool that
that, and people would think I’m crazy if I get up some writers can just go into a room and they
and feel the spirit and I can’t even sing. (laughs)
June 2019
can just pull out an idea and write a song that is
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