brought some gear over there.
[Sean] Yeah, It’s more dynamic than people singing. We’re just trying to paint these pictures
realize because you can crank it up and get it and remember what came across the finish line
I’ve always had a really fond relationship with singing, but you can also mellow that bad boy maybe a week or two before the conference.
a Fender Rhodes, and I might not use it in a out and its got such a cool earthy vibe. It just So, in a way my band was already prepped and
traditional sense. I like to run it through a bunch has vibe, total vibe. ready to go with what we were going to do.
was a guitar, so I just have this connection [WM] “Step Into The Light”, your live recording But then I finished up the demo for that song
with electric guitar. A lot of times I’m trying capturing the worship of over 40,000 whilst and it just felt like the perfect interception for
to find organic ways to make and to paint part of a Passion Conference, was recently the room we were going to be in with the age
atmosphere. I’ll run either a Fender Rhodes or I released. What can you tell us about the group we were going to be with, and almost
have a Juno 106 synthesizer, and I’ll run those process of writing, preparing, and leading in a prophetic way, something we should be
through a bunch of reverb and delay effects to worship for such a large gathering? saying together and over these young people.
of guitar effects, because my first instrument
make spatial pads. I like it because they still feel
The Father is calling. Don’t waste a minute.
alive to me, they’re gritty, especially when I have [Sean] It’s pretty remarkable, especially that Step into the light. So we played it, and that
the chorus on my Juno. It’s so noisy but it just age group. They’re so gutsy. That song started was the first song we played in our set. I’ve got
speaks and feels like it’s alive. Those are things with this little melody on the piano and it felt to say it’s such a powerful thing to be in a room
I go to a lot. like something coming alive, that was just my with that many believers, or at least with that
sense. I think the song became about exploring many people who are pursuing God wherever
I’ve got his old Gibson LG2 acoustic, I’m actually that moment; that spark when you come alive they are at, they are there because they’re
not a big acoustic player - I love electric, but this for the first time. What does it feel like? It feels searching and seeking. And I just love that,
acoustic is a 1946. It’s the same thing, when I like breathing for the first time, it feels like that because I’m seeking. If you’re not seeking,
pick it up it feels like it has so many stories in all of a sudden the voice of God sounds like you’re not breathing, if you ask me. So I just
it and it just speaks. It’s very gentle, it’s tone is
so warm and soothing, so I use that a lot. We
used organ a lot on the tracks. We were just
trying to, and this is a phrase I love because it
speaks so much to me, but with every decision
that we make, is it telling the truth. Is it making
us feel like God is close, is it telling the truth?
We don’t need to over produce something, we
don’t need to hype up something, we just need
to make sure that it’s telling the truth. Let’s drive
energy in a real way, no tricks, so if it needs to
get louder then let’s make it louder… but in a
real way.
[WM] The organ in the background at Hank’s
looked like an old Hammond B-3 with a Leslie
cabinet. Besides Gospel and R&B, B-3 was
used quite-a-bit in pop and classic rock from
the 60s and 70s.
Step Into The Light
June 2019
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