Worship Musician June 2019 - Jonathan Cain | Page 14
recently found out. But it was a flash that came stuff, “Are you ready when you’re asked to
to me, I wrote that in about an hour and a half sacrifice?”, you know, are you ready? “Make
maybe. He said, “Write a joyful bouncy song them all shepherds in His name/There is no
and put a deep message, and I want you to mountain we can’t move/And we pray we win
ask people to consider Jesus.” And I’m like, some souls along the way”. So there’s a little
yeah, we need more Jesus in this world. I was evangelizing going on in this Pop song which
just thinking about the lack of tolerance and I love. It took me longer to figure out how to
kindness and grace, everything that Jesus is play that guitar riff (laughs). I was like “Where’s
that we’re lacking. So it kind of goes out like Neal?” but I finally figured it out. Now I play it
a milkshake, but it’s deep, it’s got a lot of deep with a smile on my face!
Jonathan Cain // “This Is the Heart of Christmas”
[WM] When Greg Rolie left Journey, I heard
that he was the one who put your name forth
as his replacement. God really opened an
amazing door in your life. What is it like looking
back retrospectively now that you’ve rekindled
your faith?
[Jonathan] I have to say that at the time I
knew that I was being blessed. Looking back
on it after writing my book I am on my knees
thanking Him for what He did and opening
the door that He opened. I’ll never be able to
say how grateful I am. I’ve tried to thank Him, I
think in this music I’m writing now I’m lifting His
name up more than I ever have and I’m being
more transparent. I mean, I sang His name on
the White House lawn. That’s not a ‘politically
correct’ place to be, but there it is. God has
nothing to do with politics, but prayer is
everything, and if prayer is at the White House
then I am going to be there and I am going to
worship because that is something that we
need in this country. I was honored to be there.
I look back on those times and just shake my
head, and I’m on my knees saying “Thank you.”
There are no words for the gratitude but I know
that He set that up. I kept praying, and with
every rejection there was Dad telling me, “Don’t
stop believing.” I believe my father’s prophetic
voice covered me through those times, and I
believe that he prayed me into Journey. When
we laid his ashes to rest around this little pine
tree there was an orange flame that appeared,
and that’s all that I needed to see, that man was
holy. I have to give so much credit to him for
covering me during those times, and he prayed
that for me. Eight years old sitting at a bar, Pat’s
Tavern, I remember the place… “What’s your
son going to do with these accordion lessons?”
June 2019
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