There is praise and then there is worship. Praise ballads of the church, and then knowing how to can be boiled down to this and are fueled by
comes from the place within us that testifies our steward spontaneous moments and not rush what we know can happen through encounter
belief and experience of God’s nature, we are when God’s presence falls in a distinct way in with His presence. We believe He is good, that
bringing Him an offering everytime we choose worship, and we get to respond. The marriage nothing is impossible, that His blood paid for
to confess and agree with this in song. Worship between those two worlds is something that everything, and that each person He created
is when we ourselves become the offering, it’s we have gone after over the last 20 years. It’s is significant.
the expression of an internal reality, a posture not "and-or" but "both-and".
of sacrifice.
We have taken risks and created space to keep
Our heart is to host His presence and not this our priority at all costs. When you keep the
[WM] Do you coordinate your message quench what He is saying or doing. In worship, main thing the main thing, you will discover
themes with the worship team? this often looks like a leader taking a risk and what your expression is supposed to be. And
singing out in a way that takes the room deeper this definitely happens over time. The majority
[Pastor Bill] Mostly, no. I believe there is and closer to the Lord, as if putting their finger of what our church is experiencing now is the
nothing wrong with doing that, but that is on the pulse of His heart for a given moment. fruit of prayer and worship decades ago. Back
just not something that we have traditionally But to do so confidently and authentically then things looked nothing like they do now
done. We don’t plan for this directly, but our worship leaders need to know they have in many ways; but a love for His presence,
sometimes, when ministry starts to happen as permission and freedom. We have only learned hearing His voice, and learning to respond in
we transition to the rest of the service, we will how to do this by giving trust to our teams, and faith are things that have not changed.
see a connection as far as a particular theme creating a culture that encourages risk as well that was highlighted during worship. Going into as feedback and follow up.
When you go after creating a culture of honor
a service, we want our worship leader(s) and
and freedom, you are embracing the reality
pastoral staff to feel on the same page about Anyone who is leading worship in our that people will make mistakes. As you create
anything pertinent, practically or spiritually. We environment is doing so out of relationship with space for people to try things and grow, it also
encourage a touch point between worship Brian and Jenn, and they are there because requires that you establish a standard of healthy
team and pastoral team prior to any service of character and anointing, not just gifting. confrontation and feedback; that people are
starting. It’s amazing how much these simple Knowing this allows me to put trust in whoever covered in their growth, put in appropriate
moments of communication can go as far as might be leading us on a given weekend. It’s environments to take risks, and shepherded in
bringing clarity and building unity between an ongoing journey, but we are committed to that process.
our teams. leading from a place of faith (risk) rather than
control (fear).
Each environment will have its own expression,
[WM] Do you give specific place for the
freeform prophetic in your worship services?
and that will look different than Bethel. I believe
[WM] What advice would you give to pastors as a group of people consistently prioritize His
and worship leaders who love the Bethel presence, this expression will take shape. Look
[Pastor Bill] Absolutely, that is something culture, and want to bring something similar at for the fruit in your environment, there will
that this house feels specifically called to. There their church? always be fruit in an environment where God’s
have been two ends of the spectrum- pursuing
presence is prioritized and hosted from a place
a high level of musical excellence that have [Pastor Bill] Our focus is on the presence of of faith in His nature and compassion for
produced some of the beautiful anthems and God. All aspects of our church and ministries His people.
June 2018