your roles and responsibilities in that role?
[Joshua] My official title is Director of Worship
doing in both schools reflects what is not being further into how that’s actually expressed and
taught elsewhere vs. sharing your own unique carried out in a day to day life.
U, and my role within that looks like overseeing
[WM] Are there any particular types of students
all of the operations of Worship U online, [Joshua] What’s interesting, and what we’ve which includes content development, web heard from a lot of our students, is that the development, hiring, personnel, pastoring, main thing they are getting from our schools [Joshua] There are a few main archetypes of
making sure that all the needs of our online is the DNA aspect. You can find guitar classes students that we get. It’s usually people in their
students are being met, and overseeing the anywhere. Doctrine and theology cl asses are twenties who are worship leaders, or part of a
operational budget. I have a fairly large role offered many other places, and probably some worship team, who are ready to go to a deeper
in the content development and making with better content that is more academic. level. It’s a lot of people who want to see the
sure that we’re teaching instrument classes, What really draws people to the Bethel Worship culture of their church or worship community
leadership and pastoral development classes. School is gaining an understanding of the go to deeper levels. They really want to see their
I help develop the curriculum, but I don’t DNA of this place – learning what we go after teams be filled with passion, with the Presence
necessarily teach the curriculum. We bring in in a service and what we go after in our lives. of God, and with excitement to experience
worship leaders, Bethel Music artists, other People really want to learn about what we are more of God.
musicians, and pastors to actually teach the doing that makes it look and feel a bit different curriculum that I help to spearhead and vision than many other places out there. I’d say that is [WM] What are your favorite things about
cast. Another part of my responsibilities is the biggest gap that we’re filling. what you do?
on-campus. I help develop content for that I would say that the DNA of Bethel really is the [Joshua] One of my favorite things is
school as well, and help decide who will speak belief in “heaven on earth”. We believe that it connecting a lot of the different streams of
on which topics. is God’s will that earth, as we live in it, would the body of Christ from around the globe.
look like an expression of heaven. Much of that Last year, at Worship School, we had Hillsong
[WM] Do you find that you are driving two comes from Bill Johnson’s teachings, and his United come in and do a full day of teaching
separate tracks, or is there some overlap book, “When Heaven Invades Earth,” which is and worship, Kari Jobe came and did a full day,
between the on campus and online content? all based on the Lord’s Prayer: “Your kingdom Tim Hughes came, and Chris Quilala, of Jesus
come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in Culture. They intermingled and mixed in with our
[Joshua] There is an overlap of content, for heaven.” That’s a huge statement and a really team, our band, and our leaders, and it just felt
sure. I look at our curriculum in two parts: big idea. It forces us to ask the question, “What like family. This year we have Darlene Zschech
the skill development piece and the spiritual does that actually mean?” That’s the DNA of and Phil Wickham. In the past we’ve had John
development piece. The Worship School on this house. We are trying to dive further and Mark McMillan, Martin Smith, Reuben Morgan,
that attend, both in person and online?
looking out for Bethel Music Worship School
campus really drives the spiritual curriculum for
Worship U online. We really aim to capture all
of the classes and curriculum that are focused
on topics like the heart of worship, leadership,
community, lifestyle, presence, prophetic, and
all of the things that are more ‘head and heart’
type of learning. That is all very driven from the
Worship School on campus and then filters
into Worship U online. At Worship School on
campus we also do all of the skill development
courses, but that doesn’t really translate into
the online experience, so we approach Worship
U online as a stand-alone skill development
resource. That part doesn’t have any exchange
with the on campus school.
[WM] How much of the focus of what you’re
June 2018