right way or not. He’s really faithful to show up. all about just learning stuff that can bore you to record. I really love everything – and don’t even
I’ve seen it countless times. It happens through death, even though that stuff is important. get me started on ZZ Top and Led Zeppelin!
change people, and change us. When your [WM] What sorts of things do you listen to that [WM] Tell us about your experience as a
heart is in that posture, then everything else some people might be surprised are in your listener. How does that vary in terms of critically
is just an overflow of that. It kind of feels like record collection? listening as a guitar player or producer?
trust the Lord to meet people and make it more [Michael] Oh man. I’m pretty vocal about [Michael] If I’m just sitting down to listen to
than that. being into pretty much everything! Right now, music in my house while, for example, my wife
I super love the new Kacey Musgraves record. and I are cooking dinner, I’m not really thinking
[WM] You mentioned Leonard Jones being up It’s just really, really great. It’s country, but it’s got about it from a guitar player perspective or a
at 4am practicing so he could be ready to go some pop influence with some really great indie production perspective. There was a long
where God leads him. What are some of the music influences. The newer Bahamas record period of time where I did. I’d sit down to listen
things you practice so that you’re ready when is wonderful, and I’m always listening to bands to music and would really dissect it and be very
the moment comes? like The National and Beach House. I love the much in my head about it. But I got really tired
way they take the most simple, clean guitar of that. I started just paying attention to stuff
[Michael] I probably practice a little less than tone, with maybe a little bit of reverb on it, and that moves me. Now, I listen to music as a fan
I used to when I was growing up, but I do it they write a part that’s seemingly so basic, but and a listener, first of all. And this musical library
for a living now so I still end up playing all day, just works really well in a song. Obviously, I love has been built in my head that’s made up of
most days. There are so many different ways guys like John Mayer. His Search For Everything the stuff that moves me and inspires me. So,
that you can practice. Obviously, you can use record has a lot of really great moments on it, when I’m working in the studio and I think, “Oh
scales, cover theory principles, and all of the both on guitar and off. I love Anderson Paak’s man! I need this certain sound for a track!” I’ll
‘by the book’ stuff. That’s phenomenal stuff to record, Malibu. It’s a phenomenal hip-hop pull up Spotify or something so I can reference
a heart posture of wanting to see Him move,
playing guitar, in a sense, but you just know and
work on. The more I actually work in the music
industry, the more I find out that what ends up
working is not an exact scale, so I think it’s really
good to know where to go, but you should
learn the music that inspires you. When you’re
out driving, or sitting at home, and you hear
an artist that just inspires you and makes you
want to play that kind of music, then practice
that kind of stuff, no matter what it is! Staying
inspired with your instrument is one of the
most important things for me. Maybe that’s just
because I’ve been playing for a really long time
and have gone through periods of boredom,
and had to figure out how to pull myself out
of that.
Really, it’s just about following your inspiration
and using what you have to figure out all of the
different things your guitar can do, and what
each of your pedals can do, and what your
different amps can do, and the different sounds
you can create with your pick and finger
technique. There’s so many different ways to
practice. I think they’re all viable, and at the
heart of it is inspiration. That’s why we all play
guitar - because it’s fun and we love it! It’s not
June 2018