Merriam-Webster’s defines the word iconic as interview Michael mentions that there is more familiar with the term itself. Can you give us
“widely known and acknowledged especially for to sounding like John Mayer than just playing some background on what an MD does, how
distinctive excellence”, and I cannot think of a the right notes. The same is true for Michael’s you started doing it, and what you do in that
better way to describe Michael’s guitar playing. playing, but for very different reasons. As much role with Bethel Music?
His signature lines on songs like “Spirit Move” as we’ll be talking about Benson Amps, and and “Ever Be” are all that, and more. One year Michael’s signature Pioneer Pickups set, the [Michael Pope] Sure. MD means Musical
ago, we kicked off this column by interviewing goal here is to also talk about the heart of Director, and basically, it’s just a key person
Michael, and this time around, we wanted to worship that is behind everything Michael puts within the band that can communicate to the
focus on the ‘more’ side of things. Michael is his hands to. band members during a set and keep them
more than just a guitar player in a number of key
on track. I make sure they’re doing the right
ways. He’s an MD (musical director), producer, [WM] In many ways you are the ‘face of guitar’ things and let them know of things coming
and most importantly a worshipper. Millions of for Bethel Music, but you are also an MD there. up. In a lot of churches, where you’re doing a
people have been moved by Michael’s playing We reach a number of smaller churches who very structured set and your worship time is 20
in ways that transcend words. In the below don’t have an official MD, or might not be minutes long with 3 songs in a set arrangement,
June 2018